Workshop: The Minnesota School of Migration and Refugee Studies in Europe, 24.02.2020, Wien

Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Univ. Wien; Annemarie Steidl (Web)

Time: 24.02.2020, 9:00-18.00
Venue: Dep. of History, Univ. of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna, Seminar room I (first floor)

  • 9:00: Annemarie Steidl (Univ. of Vienna): Welcome
  • 9:15: Donna Gabaccia (Prof. emerita, Univ. of Toronto, former Director of the Immigration History Research Center, Univ. of Minnesota): Introduction: The Minnesota School as Transnational Scholarship
  • 9:45: Dirk Hoerder (Prof. emeritus, Arizona State Univ. and Univ. of Bremen): The ‘Minnesota School’ and Transcultural Histories of Migration in the Bremen Project

10:30: Panel 1: Migration in Geopolitical Spaces

  • Anna Mazurkiewicz (Univ. Gdansk): Transnational Patterns in Cold War Migrations – Emerging Research Agenda for International Research Teams
  • Florence Vychytil-Baudoux (EHESS, Paris): Polonia or Polonias? Polish Immigrant Communities and Their Political Practices during the Cold War
  • Simone Cinotto (Univ. of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo): The Puerto Ricans and Italians of New York, 1920–1960: Migration and Mobilization in the Atlantic Space
  • Chair: Donna Gabaccia

12:00: Lunch
13.30: Panel 2: Transnational Circulations, Part 1

  • Mirjam Milharcic Hladnik and Aleksej Kalc (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije, Ljubljana): The (Un)Explored Epistolary Sources and Slovenian Migrations: A Slow Work in Progress
  • Rim Triki (Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines de Tunis ISSHT, Tunis): On the Track of Return Migration from the United States to Europe (1890s-1930s)
  • Daniel Necas (Univ. of Minnesota): Digitizing Immigrant Letters
  • Chair: Annemarie Steidl

15.00: Coffee break
15.15: Panel 3: Transnational Circulations, Part 2

  • B?arbara Lüthi (Univ. of Koln) and Christa Wirth (Univ. of Agder, Norway): The Nexus of Agency – Knowledge in Migration Studies
  • Barbara Louis (Univ. of Vienna): Jewish Women Refugees Carving out Professional and Academic Space in Social Work after 1933: The Case of Gisela Konopka and her Transatlantic Entanglements in Social Group Work
  • Johanna Leinonen (Turku Univ.): Minnesota School as an Inspiration for Studying Forced Mobilities in Finland
  • Chair: Ursula Lehmkuhl (Univ. of Trier)

17.00: Nancy Green (École des hautes études en sciences social, Paris): Concluding Remarks: The Minnesota School Comes into its Own – with Thanks to Donna Gabaccia