Klicktipp: Journal of Women’s History: All articles from 1989 on in open access – extended until 30.06.2020 // CfP: Women’s and gender history in a transnational context // CfP: Syllabi of women’s and gender history; by: –

Journal of Women’s History (JWH) (Web)

The award-winning Journal of Women’s History is a quarterly, peer-reviewed scholarly journal that showcases the dynamic international field of women’s and gender history. The first issue was published in 1989. Since then JWH features cutting-edge scholarship from around the globe in all historical periods.

Open access – extended until 30.06.2020

All articles published in the Journal of Women’s History from 1989 on are free through June 30, 2020. That includes the current issue (Spring 2020) and over thirty years of archived scholarship.

The open access is provided by Project Muse (Web).

After June 30, 2020, the editors will continue to provide abstracts to the current issues, and profile the colleagues’ research from the archives.

Open CfP: Women’s and gender history in a transnational context

The editors are always looking for articles that foreground women’s history in a transnational context. Find more information at the new website (Web).

CfP: Syllabi of women’s and gender history

The JWH would like to create a pool of syllabi that covers some aspect of women’s and gender history on its website (Web), from which scholars and teachers can draw upon for their courses.

If you would like your syllabus to be included on the website, please send a PDF copy with the subject heading “[TOPIC] Syllabus” to jwh@ou.edu. Let the editors know if you would like your work linked as a view-only file.