Conference: „Power and Resistance“, 10.-11.01.08, Oslo

What is the impact of gender concerning relations between minorities and majorities? The aim of this conference is to analyse and discuss the impact of gender and class on the formation of minority and majority relations. Focus will be both on symbolic representations, social relations and structural organization. How are minority and majority relations constructed through institutional framework, organizations, media and research?
Where: Georg Sverdrups Hus, Bildern, Oslo
Thursday 10 January
09.30-10.15 Registration
10.15 Opening by Hadia Tajik, Political advisor to the Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion.
10.30 Benita Roth, Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies, Binghampton University, New York. ”Multiple Roads to Feminism: Questions of Definition, Coalition, and Competition”.
11.45 Aisha Ahmed, Leader of Pakistani Women’s Organization in Drammen and member of the city council. “Mobilizing Minority Women” (in Norwegian).
Anita Rathore, Organisasjonen Mot Offentlig Diskriminering (Institution against Public Discrimination). “Whose Agenda? Power Relations and Minority Policy in Norway”.
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Workshops
15.30 Coffee
16.00 Workshops
17.15 Birte Siim, Professor at the Institute for History, International and Social Studies, Aalborg University. “The Multicultural Challenges – New (gender) Equality Dilemmas from a Nordic Perspective” (end 18.30)
19.00 Dinner at Georg Sverdrups Hus
Friday 11 January
10.15 Sherene H. Razack, Professor at the Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education, University of Toronto. ”In Bed with the Racists and the Neo-Cons: Contemporary Feminist Responses to Muslim Women.”
11.30 Workshops
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Christine M. Jacobsen, Post doc scholar at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo. ”Migrant Female Victimhood in Scandinavian Gender Constructions” (end 15.15)
We welcome researchers, scholars, students, activists, public institutions and NGOs to participate. For registration and payment, please follow this link:

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