Workshop: Sharing Insights Across Disciplines and Methods: Collaborative Interview Analysis, 14.-16.09.2022, Wien

Julia Anna Schranz and Claudia Martínez Hernández (Univ. of Vienna) (Web)

Zeit: 14.–16.09.2022
Ort: Universität Wien, Kolingasse 14–16, 1090 Wien

Interviewing is at its core a collaborative and communicative method. This is true not only for conducting, but also for analyzing narrative interviews. Analyzing interviews in groups ensures the quality of interpretation. A collaborative interpretation process allows for different perspectives and thus different readings of an interview and helps guarantee the intersubjective comprehensibility of analysis results – a central criteria of quality for qualitative research. While teams in larger research projects can cooperate in the analysis process, this is a challenge for PhD students who generally work on their dissertation alone. This workshop allows PhD students who work with narrative interviews in their respective disciplines of Historical and Cultural Studies to address this issue and provide them with a setting for collaborative analysis.

Programme (Web)

  • Andrea Althaus (Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte Hamburg): Listening closely. The interpretative potential of many ears
  • Sarah Nimführ (Institute of Fine Arts and Cultural Studies Linz),: Making entanglements visible. Reflexivity in the evaluation process
  • Katharina Auer-Voigtländer (Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research, St. Pölten): Grounded theory and biographical research approaches
  • „Archivfrühstück“ and guided tour of  „Projekt Menschenleben“, the interview collection of the „Österreichische Mediathek“

Collaborative sessions

  • with Vanessa Tautter (Univ. of Brighton) and Hanna Huber, Anna Sourdille, Claudia Martínez Hernández, Franziska Lamp, and Julia Schranz (Univ. of Vienna)