Referat Genderforschung der Universität Wien und der Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen in Kooperation mit IWK, unterstützt von der Universitätsbibliothek Wien
Time/Venue: 13.10.2011, Zeitschriftensaal der UB Wien
Feminist theories of gender, as we are familiar with them, are a product of the global North. In the wake of postcolonial studies, subaltern studies, the African Renaissance, the articulation of Asian perspectives in social science, the decolonial and southern theory projects, this can no longer be seen as sufficient. What differences are made, if we build in conceptual perspectives from the global South? Collective voice, societal violence, structural transformation, and the relation between gender and land, are among the issues that emerge strongly from the social experience of the colonized world. A re-thinking of gender is required, which will address the historicity of gender, postcolonial embodiment, and a recognition of world-level gender dynamics. Webstream