CfP: Gender in the European Town: Medieval to Modern (Event: 05/2013, Odense/DK); DL: 26.10.2012

University of Southern Denmark (Web)

Time: 22.-25.05.2013,
Venue: Odense, University of Southern Denmark
Deadline: 26.10.2012

As places which fostered and disseminated key social, economic, political and cultural developments, historically towns have been central to the creation of gendered identities and the transmission of ideas across local, national and transnational boundaries. The Gender in the European Town Network invites proposals for papers of 20 minutes, completed panels (3 papers, chair and commentator), and poster sessions.
The Conference will be organised in three main strands. We encourage papers that address one of the strands, or proposals that cross the theme boundaries. They should also explore what influence gender has on the shape of towns themselves, as a force for change. We welcome local studies as well as more comparative approaches and encourage historiographical, theoretical and empirical considerations. Source and read more …

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