CfP and Klicktipp: Gender a výzkum|Gender and Research. A transdisciplinary journal of gender studies and feminist theory for Central and Eastern Europe (Open access); by: 15.01.2025

Gender a výzkum|Gender and Research (Web)

Gender a výzkum|Gender and Research is a transdisciplinary journal of gender studies and feminist theory, founded in 2000 in the Czech Republic. The territorial focus is on Central and Eastern Europe as well as other global macro-regions. The journal publishes articles with gender or feminist perspective in the fields of sociology, philosophy, political science, history, cultural studies, and other branches of the social sciences and humanities.
The editors are the sociologists Alena Křížková, Radka Dudová, Hana Hašková, Hana Maříková, and Zuzana Uhde, the journal is published biannually in English or Czech by the Dep. for Gender & Sociology of the Inst. of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, it is peer-reviewed and freely available online in open access. Read more … (Web)

Call for thematic blocks and special issues
Gender a výzkum|Gender and Research invites submissions for thematic blocks and special issues for the period of 2026-2027. Proposals can be made until 15.01.2025. Read more … (Web)

Latest volumes (Web)

  • Various Perspectives on the ‘War on Gender’ (2024/1)
  • Gender, Religion and Spiritualities (2023/2)
  • Gender Reflections on the (Post)Pandemic in Central and Eastern Europe (2023/1)
  • Language, Sex and Gender (2022/2)
  • Reprezentace genderu v populární kultuře (2022/1)
  • Childhood, Adolescence, and Sexualities (2021/2)
  • Gender, Age and Ageing (2021/1)
  • Economy 4.0 – The Digitalization of Labour from a Gender Perspective (2020/1)
  • Struggles, Memory and Resilience in Eastern Africa (2020/1)
  • Feminist Re-Interpretations of Islam (2019/2)
  • Contested Borders: Transnational Migration and Gender (2019/1)
  • Intersectional Approach in Social Inequalities Research (2018/2)
  • Postcolonial and Decolonial Thought in Feminism (2017/2)
  • Gender in/and the Neoliberal University (2017/1)

Source: GenderCampus

Conference: Politics of Child Adoption in 20th Century, 08.-10.01.2025, Magdeburg

Bettina Hitzer (Institute „History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine“, Magdeburg) and Thomas Lindenberger (Hannah-Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies, Dresden) (Web)

Time: 08.-10.01.2025
Venue. Otto-von-Guericke Univ., Magdeburg
Registration by: 16.12.2024

Program (PDF)

– Adoption and Welfare State Governance
– Adoption and (Post)Coloniality
– Adoption and political repression and (post)warfare
– Importing Adoption, Exporting Children: Adoption in (Post-)Colonial Contexts
– Taking Children: Political Interests and Illicit Networks
– Care Meets Racism: South Koreans into Europe

Adoption is a controversial issue, more so today than ever before. Criticism is aimed at all facets of this “kinship by design” (Ellen Herman, 2008). The heated debate is not only concerned with the conditions determining whether adoption is in the best interest of the child. The family, social and population policy logic behind the concept of adoption is also increasingly being called into question. Adoption as a humanitarian intervention is ever more challenged. Reappraisal projects initiated by activists are shedding light on the colonial and post-colonial interests that often lurk behind the adoption project – with all their potentially brutal implications that disregard the rights of children and their biological parents.

The conference will focus on the following aspects of adoption policies:
– adoption as an instrument of those in power to weaken and destroy family ties and social resources of political opponents and their milieus, both in domestic and international conflicts.
– adoption as a means of disempowering and disintegrating marginalized social groups and ethnicities in colonial and post-colonial societies, but also in modern welfare state systems.
– adoption and the politics of transitional justice in post-autocratic transformation processes.
– the significance of international adoptions for networks of humanitarian aid and care and their relationship to political and social inequalities and (postcolonial) power asymmetries. Continue reading

CfP: Arbeitstreffen Netzwerk Feministische Rechtsgeschichte (02./03.2025, Leipzig); bis: 30.01.2025

Netzwerk Feministische Rechtsgeschichte (Web)

Zeit: 28.02.-01.03.2025
Ort: Univ. Leipzig, Villa Tillmanns
Einreichfrist: 30.01.2025

Einladung (PDF)

Neues Netzwerk gegründet
Das Netzwerk Feministische Rechtsgeschichte ist eine Austauschplattform für junge Wissenscahfter*innen. Es richtet sich besonders an Rechtswissenschafter*innen und Historiker*innen. Es nimmt die Geschlechterdimensionen von Rechtsgeschichte in den Blick und dient der Erforschung von rechtlichen und rechtspolitischen Maßnahmen. Dabei werden einzelne Protagonist*innen besonders hervorgehoben.
Beim Arbeitstreffen können Forschungsansätze, Ideen, oder Projekte mit Bezug zum Thema des Netzwerks vorgestellt und diskutiert werden. Für jeden Vortrag ist inklusive Diskussion ein Zeitfenster von einer Stunde vorgesehen. Es oll möglichst viel Zeit für die Diskussion sein. Bei Interesse ist eine Anmeldung per Mail bis zum 30.01.2025 unter Nennung des Vortragsthemas möglich. Eine Teilnahme ohne Vortrag ist ebenfalls möglich. Die Teilnehmendenzahl ist begrenzt. Reise- und Verpflegungskosten können leider nicht übernommen werden. Das Arbeitstreffen ist offen für Menschen jeden Geschlechts. Weitere Informationen … (Web)

Kontakt: Johanna Mittrop, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Professur für Öffentliches Recht und das Recht der Politik an der Univ. Leipzig:

Quelle: HSozKult

CfP: Contemporary Feminist Liberation Struggles: Bodies, borders, and intersections (AtGender-Conference, 07/2025, Barcelona); by: 20.12.2024

12th European Feminist Research Conference – AtGender 2025 (Web)

Time: 09.-12.07.2025
Venue: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Proposals: 20.12.2024

In an era marked by heightened oppressions, including ongoing genocides, (neo-)colonialism and imperialism, violent conflicts, and intersecting injustice and socio-political turbulence, the 12th „European Feminist Research Conference“ invites scholars, activists, and practitioners to engage in critical dialogues around the theme „Contemporary Feminist Liberation Struggles: bodies, borders, and intersections“. Building upon the rich tradition of feminist inquiry and activism, this conference seeks to explore how feminist thought and praxis continue to disrupt and challenge prevailing power structures in the face of persistent injustices, aggressions, and authoritarian power grabs.
The conference theme is rooted in the pressing need to address the multifaceted dimensions of contemporary oppressions and struggles for liberation, fostering interdisciplinary conversations and collaborations across a broad range of research topics. By foregrounding bodies, borders, and intersections, as well as the voices and experiences of those most affected by repression, the conference aims to delve into the intricate ways in which individuals and communities navigate, resist and chart pathways to confront systems of harm, violence and injustice. Exploring the transformative potential of feminist liberation that centers intersectional, queer, non-adultocentric and anti/decolonial feminisms, participants will interrogate the interlocking systems of power that shape experiences of violence, displacement, and resistance.
The conference has 10 thematic strands, each shedding light on critical aspects of contemporary struggles for liberation. Read more … (Web)

Source: GenderCampus

Klicktipp: Gender and Militarization in Central and Eastern Europe – New Volume of Aspasia (Open Access)

Aspasia: The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History (Web)

Aspasia’s latest volume (18/2024) is published on the topic of ‘Gender and Militarisation in Central and Eastern Europe.’ The yearbook is open access and freely available online.

Table of Contents

Special Forum: Gender and Militarization in Central and Eastern Europe

  • Sharon A. Kowalsky: Editor’s Introduction (Web)
  • Anna Nowakowska-Wierzchoś: The „Female Military Staff“: The Co-Creators of Defense and State Education in the Second Polish Republic (Web)
  • Iva Jelušić: Women in the Yugoslav People’s Liberation Struggle (1941-1945): Waging War and Breaking Frontiers (Web)
  • Nataliia Zalietok: Women and Militarization: The Lessons of World War II (Web)
  • Weronika Grzebalska: Rethinking Polish (Para)Military Herstory: New Goals for Research on the Militarism–Feminism Nexus (Web)
  • Steven G. Jug: Comment. Military Women: Pursuing Equality, Defending Nations, and Threatening Masculinity (Web)


  • Achilleas Fotakis: Legislation, Legal Theory, and Law Enforcement on Rape in Greece, 1922-1976 (Web)
  • Dimitra Vassiliadou: Sexual Harm and Extralegal Settlements in Greece, 1914-1970 (Web)
  • Katarzyna Taczyńska: Sore Kahan’s Poetry as a Mirror of the Transformation of Secular Jewish Culture in the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (Web)

Review Essays

  • Izabela Desperak: Barbara Einhorn’s Cinderella Goes to Market – Three Decades Later (Web)
  • Georgeta Nazarska: Beyond the Archive and Scholarship (Web)
  • Book Reviews Continue reading

Vortrag: Cari Maier: Umkämpfte Sorge, 09.12.2024, Wien und virtueller Raum

ifk. Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften (Web)

Zeit: 09.12.2024,, 18:15 Uhr
Ort: ifk, Reichsratsstr. 17, 1010 Wien – und virtueller Raum

Im strukturell sorglosen Kapitalismus wird Sorge zur politischen Artikulation des Begehrens nach anderen Beziehungen. Insbesondere in Archiven queerer und feministischer Proteste finden sich Flugblätter, Manifeste, Bilder und theoretische Texte, die Sorge auf unterschiedliche und teils widersprüchliche Bedeutungsebenen politisieren. Sorge ist eine Form des In-Beziehung-Seins, die unseren Alltag organisiert – wenn auch als abwesende oder gewaltvolle Praxis. Wie Sorge konzipiert, kritisiert oder ersehnt wird, welche Beziehungen normalisiert oder begehrt werden, bestimmt sich durch und in den politischen Kämpfen. Der Vortrag wird die widersprüchlichen Bedingungen kollektiver Kämpfe um Sorge reflektieren und nach Möglichkeiten suchen, das von Veronicá Gago als »potencia feminista« (2021) bezeichnete Begehren eines gemeinsamen Kampfes zu bewahren, sich anders – als strukturell sorglos – in Beziehung zu setzen. Ausgehend von Methodologien des feministischen Streiks werden Ambivalenzen dieses kollektiven Ringens adressiert, das sowohl auf Differenz, als auch auf der Einsicht einer geteilten Verletzlichkeit basiert.

Bei persönlicher Teilnahme ist derzeit keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Für die Teilnahme via Zoom bitte um Anmeldung mit Namen und E-Mailadresse. Den Zoom-Link erhalten Sie unmittelbar im Anschluss per E-Mail (Web)

Cari Maier forscht zu queerer und feministischer Gesellschaftstheorie, Sorge, Beziehungsweisen und Gewalt und lehrte u.a. am Institut für Politikwissenschaft an der Univ. Wien und am FB Politische Theorie an der Technischen Universität Dresden (Web)

CfP: New Research in the History of War and the Military (03/2025, virtual space); by: 10.01.2025

Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte, Society for the History of War (Univ. of the Bundeswehr Munich) (Web)

Time: 14.03.2025
Venue: virtual space – via Neubiberg
Proposals by: 10.01.2025

This online workshop is an opportunity for early career historians of war and the military to share and discuss ideas and approaches from their current projects. The aim is to support current and recent PhDs in this field to make international links, with a view to expanding their future opportunities for collaboration and mobility. The organisers especially want to hear from those with limited international networking experience. They invite applications from researchers at all stages of PhD and postdoctoral projects. Applicants are free to choose from one of the following formats, as appropriate to the material presented. The organisers welcome proposals for 20-minute papers or 10-minute lightning talks that illustrate new questions, methods, or approaches in this field. Lightning talks will generally focus on a single historical source or historiographical/methodological question.
The organisers understand the terms ‘war’ and ‘military’ in their broadest senses and will prioritise contributions that can demonstrate their interest to the field beyond a specific place/period of history. Suitable themes might include (but are not restricted to): logistics, technologies, soldiers’ experiences, gender and sexuality, imperial and colonial contexts, military institutions, pre- and post-conflict environments. Historiographical and methodological proposals are also welcome. Read more … (PDF).

The working language is English. Proposals should include a one-page summary CV and an abstract of 200-300 words, and should specify whether a 20-minute paper or 10-minute lightning talk is proposed. They should be sent to If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers: Catherine Fletcher:, Samantha Nelson: or Isabelle Deflers:

Source: HSozKult

Filmvorführung: Pride (2014), 16.12.2024, Wien

Institut für Historische Sozialforschung (Web)

Zeit: 16.12.2024, 19:30-21:30 Uhr
Ort: Admiral Kino, Burg. 119, 1070 Wien
Hinweis: Eine Anmeldung ist wegen des großen Interesses inzwischen nicht mehr möglich.

Das Institut für Historische Sozialforschung zeigt ihm Rahmen seiner Veranstaltungsreihe „Streik! 40 Jahre großer britischer Bergarbeiterstreik (1984/85)“ (Web) den Film „Pride“ (Matthew Warchus, R | 2014 | Deutsch) (Web)

„In Thatchers Großbritannien kommen sich im Sommer des Jahres 1984 überraschend zwei Gruppen näher, die jede für sich unter Druck stehen: Eine Schwulen- und Lesbengruppe aus London gründet auf der Gay Pride Demo 1984 eine Unterstützergruppe für die streikenden Bergleute. Sie sammeln als ‚Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners – LGSM‘ Spenden, um den Kumpels in ihrem Kampf beizustehen. Bei den Betroffenen lösen sie damit allerdings widersprüchliche Gefühle aus. Man braucht dringend Geld und ist froh um jede Unterstützung. Doch Homophobie ist auch unter den Bergleuten weit verbreitet. Das kleine walisische Bergarbeiterdorf Onllwyn lässt sich schließlich auf ein Treffen mit den schrillen Großstädtern ein.“

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, die Plätze sind begrenzt, daher war die Anmeldung notwendig.

Weitere Veranstaltungen der Reihe

  • Filmvorführung von „Brassed off – Mit Pauken und Trompeten“, Mo., 20.01.2025, 19:30 Uhr
  • Vortrag: Gero Fischer: United we Stand – Divided we Fall, Mo., 27.01.2025, 18:30 Uhr
  • Vortrag: Christian Koller: Streiks in Europa. Vom mittelalterlichen Handwerk zum postindustriellen Dienstleistungssektor, Mo., 10.02.2025, 18:30 Uhr
  • Filmvorführung von „Billy Elliot“, Mo., 17.02.2025, 19:30 Uhr

Lecture: Anna Borgos and Dorottya Rédai: Lesbian visibility within an illiberal regime in Hungary. Information evening with activists from Labrisz (Budapest), 09.12.2024, Vienna

STICHWORT. Archiv der Frauen- und Lesbenbewegung (Web)

Time: 09.12.2024, 19.00 CET
Venue: STICHWORT, Gußhausstr. 20/1A+B, 1040 Wien

Since the mid-1990s, the Labrisz initiative in Budapest has created a space for meetings and discussions about the personal experiences and social position of lesbian and bisexual women. Labrisz Lesbian Association (Labrisz Leszbikus Egyesület) was born out of these initial informal Labrisz evenings, in 1999. With an oral history project on lesbian history in Hungary, their Labrisz book series, the annual LIFT Festivals, a regular lesbian film club and the educational programme „Without Taboos“, they have dedicated themselves to strengthening the presence of LBT community and lesbian culture for 25 years.
At this evening, Labrisz activists Anna Borgos and Dorottya Rédai will present their organisation and share how Labrisz uses its various activities to create lesbian visibility and stimulate social discourse under the current conditions of the authoritarian, homophobic regime.

The event will be held in English | Contribution: € 3,50 | For women*

Anna Borgos is a psychologist and women’s historian. She is a founding member of Labrisz Lesbian Association where she is engaged in developing a Hungarian lesbian herstory archive and in other cultural projects.

Dorottya Rédai is a gender and education scholar and the Executive Director of Labrisz Lesbian Association. She is involved in the education program of Labrisz and she is the coordinator of „A Fairytale for Everyone“ book project. Continue reading

CfP: Men and Masculinities in Transition (Nordic conference on masculinity research, 06/2025, Stockholm); by: 31.01.2025

Nordic conference on masculinity; Stockholm Univ. (Web)

Time: 11.-13.06.2025
Venue: Stockholm Univ.
Proposals by: 31.01.2025

The conference theme is Men and Masculinities in Transition. The conference focuses on men, masculinity and transitions in a wide sense, including but not limited to: transitions across the life course, climate change and green transitions, transitions to more caring and inclusive masculinities, transitions across gender identities, theoretical and methodological transitions in research men and masculinities, as well as other social, political and personal transitions relevant to masculinity studies. The organisers also welcome other contributions to contemporary masculinity research. Read more … (Web)

The conference is hosted by The Department of Child and Youth Studies and the Gender Academy at Stockholm Univ., in collaboration with Nordic Association for Research on Men and Masculinity (NORMAS). The aim is to create a space for Nordic and international dialogue on contemporary masculinity research.

Keynote speakers: Susanna Areschoug, Postdoctoral researcher, Stockholm Univ., Sweden; Maria Eriksson Baaz, Professor, Swedish Defence Univ., Sweden; Martin Hultman, Senior Researcher, Chalmers Univ.of Technology, Sweden; Jonathan Leer, Professor, Örebro Univ., Sweden; Ulf Mellström, Professor, Karlstad Univ., Sweden; Todd Reeser, Professor, Univ.of Pittsburgh, USA; Steven Roberts, Professor, Monash Univ., Australia; and Valerie Sperling, Professor, Clark Univ., USA
