Category Archives: Category_Netzwerke

Präsentation: Lukas Schretter, Nadjeschda Stoffers, Michaela Tasotti und Elke Kastner-Kainovic: Memory Lab – Partizipative Forschung zum Lebensborn-Heim „Wienerwald“, 1938-1945, 24.01.2024, Wien und virtueller Raum

Vortragsreihe „Geschichte am Mittwoch“ (Web) in Koop. mit fernetzt. Junges Forschungsnetzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte (Web)

Zeit: 24.01.2024, 18.30-20.00 Uhr
Ort: Univ. Wien, HS 30, Universitätsring 1 – und virtueller Raum

Im Heim „Wienerwald“, einer zunächst von zwei jüdischen Ärzten geleiteten Lungenheilanstalt, befand sich zwischen 1938 und 1945 ein vom SS-Verein Lebensborn betriebenes Entbindungsheim. Es sollte zur Steigerung der Geburtenrate von Kindern beitragen, die als „arisch“ klassifiziert wurden. Nach 1945 wurde das Gebäude u.a. vom ÖGB und zuletzt von der WGKK als Erholungs- bzw. Rehabilitationszentrum genutzt. Seit wenigen Jahren steht das Gebäude leer.
2023 fand ein „Memory Lab“ zur Geschichte des Gebäudes statt (Web): Angesiedelt an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft, nahmen am Prozess der historischen Aufarbeitung sowohl Personen, deren Biografien und Familiengeschichten mit dem Heim in unterschiedlicher Weise in Verbindung stehen, als auch Personen aus dem räumlichen Umfeld des Gebäudes teil. Das „Memory Lab“ sollte die aktive Auseinandersetzung mit der Geschichte des Erinnerungsortes und zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement fördern.
Die Präsentation gemeinsam mit Teilnehmer:innen des „Memory Lab“ beinhaltet eine Reflexion der Konzeption und Durchführung des Projekts: Mit welchen Herausforderungen war das Projekt konfrontiert? In welchen Projektphasen war Flexibilität im Forschungsprozess in besonderem Maße erforderlich? Und welche gesellschaftliche Wirkung ist vom Memory Lab zu erwarten? Damit möchte die Präsentation auch forschungsethische und forschungspraktische Herausforderungen partizipativer Forschung zu historischen Orten aufgreifen.

Zoom-Link der Veranstaltung: [Meeting-ID: 662 6294 1903, Kenncode: 787244]

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Tagung: Arbeitskreis geistliche Frauen im europäischen Mittelalter – Aktuelle Forschungsdiskurse und -projekte, 20.-21.10.2023, Bonn

Arbeitskreis geistliche Frauen im europäischen Mittelalter (Web); Jakoba Zöll, Inst. für Kirchengeschichte, Univ. Bonn (Web)

Zeit: 20.-21.10.2023
Ort: Universität Bonn
Anmeldung bis: 06.10.2023

Der „Arbeitskreis geistliche Frauen im europäischen Mittelalter“ bietet ein Diskussionsforum für Fachleute aus der universitären Wissenschaft und dem Archivwesen, die sich mit den vielfältigen Ausprägungen geistlicher Frauen im Mittelalter und zunehmend auch in der Frühen Neuzeit beschäftigen. Der Arbeitskreis hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, interdisziplinär zu arbeiten und die internationale Forschung zu vernetzen. Das jährliche Arbeitstreffen soll v.a. dem wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs Gelegenheit geben, neue Projekte und Dissertationen vorzustellen, dient der Vernetzung und weiteren Planung der Vorhaben des Arbeitskreises.


Fr., 20.10,2023

  • Meret Wüthrich, Freiburg: Eine Topografie des Lesens und Schreibens im Freiburger Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Maria Magdalena. Zugänge über das „Gebets- und Andachtsbuch“ Freiburg, UB Hs. 2019
  • Johanna Welz, Tübingen: Familiäre Netzwerke im Nekrolog von St. Klara am Rossmarkt
  • Christina Grundmann, St. Andrews: Correspondence Beyond the Exceptional. Religious Women’s Letters from the Twelfth Cent.
  • Philipp Stenzig, Düsseldorf: Consecratio virginum. Die Ordines zur Jungfrauenweihe, mit einem Anhang zu den Ordines zur Mönchsweihe

Sa., 21.10.2023 Continue reading

CfP: Radical Europe: Violence, Emancipation and Reaction (Event, 07/2024, Lyon); by: 20.10.2023

30th International Conference of Europeanists: Council for European Studies – CES (Web)

Time: 03.-05.07.2024
Venue: Lyon, France
Proposals by: 20.10.2023

Europe is a zone of heightened conflict. The year 2022 showed the most violent version of it, with the return of war following the Russian invasion of Ukraine justified as an extreme means of protecting Russia’s geopolitical interests. Moving to a different scale of conflict, innovations in the protest repertoire of climate activism (actions targeting artworks in museums to protest against gas and oil extraction projects) have sparked a debate about „radical“ forms of action. In countries such as France and Israel, the use of constitutional tools to enact unpopular laws has unleashed massive protests and undermined the legitimacy of governments’ determination to implement reforms at “any cost”.
In light of this, the Council for European Studies would like the participants of its 30th International Conference of Europeanists to reflect on what «radicalité» means in Europe today. Who defines radicality and in relation to what kind of social, political, cultural and economic project? To what extent can radicality inform political action, and have a casting impact on democracy in Europe? How is radicality constructed, treated, denounced or claimed in contemporary public spaces? How do the media, political actors, activists, and non-governmental organisations deal with issues of radicality?
The Council for European Studies welcomes proposals for panels, roundtables, book discussions and individual papers on the study of Europe broadly defined. The organizers encourage proposals in the widest range of disciplines and timeframes. They welcome panels that combine disciplines, genders, races, nationalities and ages.

The conference program co-chairs are Isabelle Garcin-Marrou (Sciences Po Lyon), Simon Gadras and Montserrat Emperador Badimon (Univ. Lumière Lyon 2), and Anne Verjus (CNRS).

Source: H-Net Notifications

CfP: Reflections on Major Issues in Women’s History: Gender equality, gender division of labor, political participation, sexuality, family, and society (IFRWH 2024 Conference, 04/2024, Tokyo); by: 01.10.2023

IFRWH 2024 Conference – The International Federation for Research in Women’s History – IFRWH | Federation Internationale pour des Femmes – FIRHF (Web)

Time: 04.-10.08.2024
Venue: Tsuda University, Tokyo
Proposals by – extended: 01.10.2023

The second decade of the twenty-first century has seen major upheavals that have threatened to reverse much of the progress made in achieving greater gender equality. On the one hand, the global Covid-19 pandemic intensified reactionary trends as the closing of childcare centers and the shift to online classes, put strong pressure on women to stay at home and supervise children. The pandemic exposed the glaring gaps in income in many countries, focusing attention on the precarious working conditions among “essential workers,” many of whom were women engaged in important, but poorly remunerated, “care work.”
At the same time the pandemic was spreading across the globe, new concerns were raised by the outbreak of war with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As the war continued it has not only brought disastrous losses of life and property but also has threatened the institutions that have stabilized the international system since the end of the Cold War. In country after country, governments have begun to give more attention to “national security” issues, military budgets are rising, and with them concerns that we are on the threshold of a new Cold War.
When we consider the current state of study of women’s history, although there has been much interesting new work, we cannot ignore the huge challenges we face, as political movements have mobilized in opposition to the expansion of the rights of women and sexual minorities, have blocked efforts to close gender gaps, and have waged campaigns to take away a woman’s right to control over her own body and reproductive choices. Read more … (Web)

International Federation for Research in Women’s History (IFRWH): NEWSLETTER Issue 73 (2023/1) – With numerous entries from Austria (Publication)

The International Federation for Research in Women’s History – IFRWH | Federation Internationale pour des Femmes – FIRHF (Web)

The IFRWH Newsletter is published semi-annually. It provides an overview of new international publications on women’s and gender history: It presents research projects, announces conferences and places calls for papers. The newsletter thus gives a valuable overview of the relevant research being done worldwide.
The Newsletter Issue 72 (2023/1) is online now. It has a volume of 82 pages. As in previous issues, this newsletter again contains a wide range of information from Austria. The coordinator of the contributions from Austria is Birgitta Bader-Zaar (PDF).

A list of the all previous newsletters can be found on the website (Web).

The International Federation for Research in Women’s History

The IFRWH was founded in April 1987. The first meeting of national committee representatives was held in 1989, in Bellagio, Italy, with the assistance of the Rockefeller Foundation.
The Aim of IFRWH is to encourage and coordinate research in all aspects of women’s history at the international level, by promoting exchange of information and publication and by arranging and assisting in arranging large-scale international conferences as well as more restricted and specialized meetings. National Committees serve as liaison between communities of researchers and the Federation. Find more information on the website (Web).

Selected papers presented at the Federation’s confrences have been published in several volumes (Web).

Klicktipp: En-Gender! Netwerk, weblog, podcast, and online-journal for young academics with innovative approaches and questions of gender

En-Gender! (Web)

En-Gender started out as a journal in 2018, but it is much more now: It has a working paper series, a blog, a network of researchers, readings lists and yearly conferences. The aim is to establish an international community for the study of gender in the cultural studies, social sciences and humanities.
The network wants to create a joint community for undergraduate and postgraduate scholars on gender. The current focus is on queer and postcolonial studies. En-Gender wants to make projects, essays, term papers, bachelor and master theses, conferences and workshop papers with innovative approaches and questions of gender accessible to a wider public. The network offers young academics the opportunity to publish their own work and also to gain expertise in peer reviewing and editing publications. Co-Founder & Editor-in-chief ist Jessica Albrecht (Univ. of Heidelberg), the network consists of these international researchers: Read more … (Web)

Blog and podcast: Since the beginning of 2022, part of the weblog is also the podcast of E-Gender. The third season of the podcast series has just started. The focus of the new season will be on queer and trans studies: Hear more … (Web)

Publication series: Since 2018, these issues of the journal and the working paper series have been published in open access:

Vol. 6 (2023) (Web)

  • Sakshi Arya: Dining with the Despot. Consumption of postcolonial disorders in contemporary culinary experience (2023)

Vol. 5 (2023): Activism, Borders and Media (Web)

  • Andreea Moise: Chernobyl Strawberry Jam. Mythicising Diasporic Guilt as Gendered Autopathography in Vesna Goldsworthy’s Chernobyl Strawberries
  • Rachel Abreu: Negotiating Representation. Ethnic Minority Women’s Experiences of Beauty on Instagram
  • Dean Leetal: Let Me Turn Monster. Shakespeare’s Arden Forest and Trans Geography Continue reading

CfP: Gender and History beyond Boundaries (Event: 06.2024, Palermo); by: 30.09.2023

9th Congress of the Società Italiana delle Storiche (SIS) (Web)

Time: 20.–22.06.2024
Venue: University of Palermo
Proposals by: 30.09.2023

The SIS Congress is a venue for discussing the most current research topics, approaches and interpretations on women’s and gender history. This edition pays special attention to comparative and interdisciplinary analyses as well as extra- and transnational perspectives across a broad period of time – from antiquity to the present. The Congress aims to assess the state of research on women’s and gender history and to give visibility to emerging research perspectives in the field. SIS invites scholars from Italy and other countries to submit proposals relating to a wide array of historical, geographical, environmental, political, social, and cultural contexts. The organisers particularly appreciat proposals that enable dialogues with issues that are at the centre of current public debate – from a historical perspective – also in non-European countries. Read more … (PDF)

Possible topics may include the following:
– gender orientations, non-binary sexualities, reproductive rights
– families, parenting, kinship
– demography, life stages, intergenerational relationships
– climate and environment
– mobility, migration, citizenship
– living, communicating, and opposing war
– formal and informal access to knowledge
– work and economic agency
– care and welfare
– presence, visibility, representation in the public space
– religious and political beliefs
– power, authority, leadership models
– preservation and transmission of historical memory

CfP: Dissertant:innen-Tagung Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Umweltgeschichte 2024 (02-03.2024, Graz); bis: 01.09.2023

Institut für Geschichte der Univ. Graz; Nikolaus Reisinger (Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte) und Katharina Scharf (Kultur- und Geschlechtergeschichte) (Web)

Zeit: 29.02.-01.03.2024
Ort: Universität Graz
Einreichfrist: 01.09.2023

Die Dissertant:innen-Tagung Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Umweltgeschichte ist eine jährlich stattfindende Veranstaltung, die der Präsentation und Diskussion aktueller Dissertationsprojekte in den Bereichen Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Umweltgeschichte, der Nachwuchsförderung und der innerwissenschaftlichen Vernetzung dient. Die Vortragenden sind Dissertant:innen aus den Geschichtswissenschaften und aus anderen Wissenschaftsbereichen, die an wirtschafts-, sozial- oder umwelthistorischen Fragestellungen – gerne auch in perspektivischer Vielfalt bzw. in Kombination mit anderen Bereichen wie der Geschlechtergeschichte – arbeiten und die ihre Dissertationen entweder an einer österreichischen Universität verfassen, eine Zweitbetreuung an einer österreichischen Universität haben oder zu einem Thema mit Österreichbezug forschen.

Die zweitägige Konferenz bietet die Möglichkeit, Forschungsergebnisse zu präsentieren, zu diskutieren und sich mit anderen Dissertant:innen und Forschenden im Bereich der Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Umweltgeschichte zu vernetzen. Jedem Vortrag folgen ein ausführlicher Expert:innen-Kommentar und ein Peer-Kommentar. Weiterlesen … (PDF)

Jubilee Conference: The Centre for Gender Research at Uppsala University is 40, 12.-13.10.2023, Uppsala

Centre for Gender Research at Uppsala Univ. (Web)

Time: 12.-13.10.2023
Venue: Uppsala University

This year, the Centre for Gender Research – or the Centre for Female Researchers and Women’s Research, as it was previously called – has existed at Uppsala University for over 40 years.
The Centre was established in 2003 and has, according to instructions from the Vice-Chancellor, a commitment to carry out research and teaching within the field of gender studies, which includes different perspectives on sex and gender, as well as critical perspectives on how sex and gender interact with other dimensions of power. But already in 1982 the Centre for Female Researchers and Women’s Research was established as an independent unit within Uppsala University.
It is now just over 40 years since research and education within the field of gender studies found a home at Uppsala University, and 20 years since the Centre for Gender Research was established in its current form. During 2023 the Centre is offering a range of different activities in order to shine a light on, discuss and reflect on gender research and gender studies as a subject. The culmination of the celebrations is the Jubilee conference, focusing on the breadth and diversity within current gender research.

Keynote speakers

  • Elizabeth A. Wilson, Professor in the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the Emory Coll. of Arts and Sciences, USA
  • Katarina Pirak Sikku, artist living in Jokkmokk, exploring Sami family history
  • Ann Phoenix, Professor of Psychosocial Studies at the Univ. Coll. London


Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium für (Post-)Doktorand:innen in den Postcolonial und Gender Studies, 06.-07.07.2023, Trier

Centrum für Postcolonial und Gender Studies, Univ. Trier (Web)

Zeit: 06.-07.07.2023
Ort: Universität Trier


Do., 06.07.2023, 14:30-16.15 Uhr

  • Begrüßung durch die Veranstalterinnen
  • Anna Rinne (Hamburg): Diskursive Hervorbringungen und Zerrüttungen von Geschlechterregimen zu Trans- und Intergeschlechtlichkeit
  • Annegret Dreher (Düsseldorf): Gender Award Gap – (Un-)Sichtbarkeit von Frauen in den Anerkennungskulturen der Medizin
  • Anna Gonzalez Suero (London): How to rewrite the public fetus using autoethnography
  • Romuald Valentin Nkouda Sopgui (Maroua): Marie Pauline Thorbeckes und Anna Rein-Wuhrmanns Kolonialfotografien aus dem Kameruner Grasland um 1900
  • Mitchell Gauvin (Mainz): Clocks, Calendars, and Postcolonialism: Critiquing Temporality in Colonial History and the Present Tense

18:15 Uhr Diskussion: Wie weiter mit den Gender Studies? Impulse und Moderation: Andrea Geier und Lena Wetenkamp

Fr., 07.07.2023, 9.00-13.15 Uhr

  • Gökay Kanmazalp (Leipzig): Dissecting Linguistic Signifiers: Postcolonial Insights into Galatasaray High School Student Representations
  • Lucky Igohosa Ugbudian (Ebonyi): Women Suffrage: The Nigerian Perspective
  • Sudha Rawat (New Delhi): Women’s Bodies as a Site of Conflict: Tamil Women in the Sri Lankan civil war Continue reading