Category Archives: Category_Online Publikationen

Klicktipp: „Auf den Spuren der Wahrheit“: Das Tagebuch des Generalstabsoffiziers Karl Schneller aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg (Weblog/Edition)

Österreichisches Staatsarchiv – 1914-2014: 100 Jahre Erster Weltkrieg (Web)

Der k.u.k. Generalstabsoffizier Karl Schneller (1878–1942) war während der Jahre 1914 bis 1917 eine der zentralen Persönlichkeiten des österreichisch-ungarischen Armeeoberkommandos (AOK).

Als Mitglied der Operationsabteilung leitete er das Pressewesen des AOK, wurde als Berichterstatter an die Front entsendet und hatte entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Verteidigungsvorbereitungen gegenüber dem vorerst neutral gebliebenen Italien. Er wurde Vorstand der I[talien]-Gruppe und unterstützte Generalstabschef Conrad in dessen Streben nach einer offensiven Kriegführung gegen Italien.

Das Österreichische Staatsarchiv hat eine Edition der Kriegstagebücher des Generalstabsoffizier Karl Schneller im Weblogformat online verfügbar gemacht. Die Einträge von ihm sind jeweils gegenübergestellt den „Kaiserberichten“ von Franz Josef I.

  • Zu den Tagebucheinträgen und den „Kaiserberichten“ (Link)

Die Edition ist verfügbar auf der Website „1914-2014: 100 Jahre Erster Weltkrieg“. Das Projekt wird folgendermaßen beschrieben (Link).

Assuming Gender. An Online Academic Journal – online!

Ausschnitt aus der WebsiteAssuming Gender. An Online Academic Journal (Web)

Special Issues: 2:1 Bodies (Link) | 3:1 Medieval Women (Link) | 4:1 Queer and There (Link)

Assuming Gender is an electronic journal dedicated to the timely analysis of constructions of gendered texts, practices, and subjectivities. This journal seeks to continue and shift debates on how gender is problematized in contemporary discourses as well as participate in the dialogue and tensions that maintain the urgency of such conversations.

Assuming Gender features cutting-edge research from a diverse range of methodologies and approaches to gender studies, and include work in feminist theories, queer theories, critical and cultural theory Continue reading

CfP: Neoliberal Gender, Neoliberal Sex (Publication: Assuming Gender); DL: 07.11.2014

assuminggendermasthead5Assuming Gender. An Online Academic Journal (Web)

Neoliberalism has recently come to define a particular object of critical enquiry, especially after the financial crisis of 2008. Considered by some to have superseded terms such as postmodernism and globalisation, neoliberalism is no longer taken as merely an economic ideology adhered to by a rich elite but as a global norm that touches the lives of billions. In this special issue we aim to explore how neoliberalism, as a form of governmental rationality, goes beyond the realm of fiscal conduct and has affected, influenced or moulded the construction of gendered subjectivities, especially in the realm of cultural production. While much has been written about the deployment of neoliberal strategies and techniques as a mode of governance, especially through Continue reading

CfP: History of Sexuality (Weblog: NOTCHES: (re)marks on the history of sexuality) – online! (re)marks on the history of sexuality, hosted by the Raphael Samuel History Centre (Web)

NOTCHES Editors are currently seeking regular bloggers to contribute: Since its launch in January 2014, the new blog has attracted almost 20,000 views and has been profiled on’s Sexuality site. The goal is to create a blog that is intellectually engaged, accessible, timely, relevant and fun.

NOTCHES Editors seek bloggers to write on all range of regions, periods, and themes, and welcome blogs that discuss non-modern, non-Western histories and experiences. Posts would only be limited by the interests and specializations of the contributors, and the editors envision the blog including a range of discussions of heterosexuality, homosexuality, queer experiences, genders, trans* issues, sex work, the body, migration, labour, capitalism, policy, media, emotions, aesthetics and the list goes on. Bloggers might be Continue reading

CfP: Nursing Clio (Weblog) – online!

Nursing Clio (Web)

Nursing Clio is an open access, peer-reviewed, collaborative blog project that ties historical scholarship to present-day political, social, and cultural issues related to gender and medicine. Men’s and women’s bodies, their reproductive rights, and their healthcare are often at the center of political debate as well as social and cultural discussions in popular media. Our tagline – The Personal is Historical – is meant to convey that the medical issues that dominate today’s headlines are, in fact, ongoing dialogues that reach far back into our country’s past.

The mission of Nursing Clio is to provide a platform for historians, health care workers, community activists, students, and the public at large to engage in socio-political and cultural critiques of this ongoing and historical dialogue regarding the gendered body, the history of medicine, and Continue reading

NEWSLETTER 56/2014 der International Federation for Research in Women’s History (IFRWH) – online!

International Federation for Research in Women’s History/Federation Internationale pour des Femmes (Web) Newsletter July 2014/Issue 56 online (PDF)

The IFRWH/FIRHF was founded in April 1987. The first meeting of national committee representatives was held in 1989, in Bellagio, Italy, with the assistance of the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Aim of IFRWH/FIRHF is to encourage and coordinate research in all aspects of women’s history at the international level, by promoting exchange of information and publication and by arranging and assisting in arranging large-scale international conferences as well as more restricted and specialized meetings. National Committees serve as liaison between communities of researchers and the Federation. Read more … (Web)

Weblog: Interviews von Ulli Koch mit Mitarbeiterinnen und Aktivistinnen feminsitischer Archiv- und Sammlungseinrichtungen – online!

Die Wiener Bloggerin Ulli Koch hat in ‘Unregelmäßige Gedankensplitter’ die Rubrik ‘Wissensräume’ eingerichtet. Hier präsentiert sie u.a. Interviews mit Mitarbeiterinnen und Aktivistinenn feminsitischer Archiv- und Sammlungseinrichtungen in Österreich. Weiterlesen …

Neu veröffentlicht wurden die folgenden Interviews

  • „Wir dürfen alle Texte lesen, bevor sie erscheinen“ – Interview mit den Verleger_innen vom ZAGLOSSUS-VERLAG (Link zum 1. Teil), (Link zum 2. Teil)
  • Zeitschriften, Musik und Videos. Interview mit Leni Kastl vom VIOLETTA LESBENARCHIV (Link)

Bisher waren die folgenden Interviews online nachzulesen (Link zu den Interviews)

  • Das Gedächtnis der Bewegung. Margit Hauser zum STICHWORT – Archiv der Frauen- und Lesbenbewegung

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CfP: Women and Social Movements, International – 1840 to Present: digital archive – online!

Women and Social Movements (WASM), International – 1840 to Present (Web)

– Registration required –

Since January 2011 the editors have published six installments of this new archive, which is now complete with 150,000 pages of primary documents. It includes both published and manuscript materials generated by women’s participation in international conferences and organizations over a period of 170 years, from missionary and abolitionist activities in the first half of the nineteenth century to women’s NGO activism in the early twenty-first century. The editors have also published twenty-five secondary articles by scholars working in fields related to the sources in the archive. These essays place the primary materials within a broader interpretive context and offer suggestions on how best to use these online resources. Finally, they have posted on the database videos of seven oral history interviews with activists from the UN Women’s Conferences Continue reading

CfP: History of Sexuality (Weblog: NOTCHES: (re)marks on the history of sexuality) – online!

cropped-bedpost-bannerNOTCHES: (re)marks on the history of sexuality (Web)

NOTCHES Editors are currently seeking regular bloggers to contribute to ‘NOTCHES: (re)marks on the history of sexuality’. Since its launch in January 2014, NOTCHES has attracted almost 20,000 views, been profiled on’s Sexuality site and Freshly Pressed by WordPress. NOTCHES is hosted by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, and echos the centre’s mission in encouraging the widest accessibility and interest in the history of sexuality. The goal is to create a blog that is intellectually engaged, accessible, timely, relevant and fun.

NOTCHES Editors seek bloggers to write on all range of regions, periods, and themes, and welcome blogs that discuss non-modern, non-Western histories and experiences. Continue reading

CfP: Nursing Clio (Weblog) – online!

christmas-eve-1500Nursing Clio (Web)

Nursing Clio is an open access, peer-reviewed, collaborative blog project that ties historical scholarship to present-day political, social, and cultural issues related to gender and medicine. Men’s and women’s bodies, their reproductive rights, and their healthcare are often at the center of political debate as well as social and cultural discussions in popular media. Our tagline – The Personal is Historical – is meant to convey that the medical issues that dominate today’s headlines are, in fact, ongoing dialogues that reach far back into our country’s past.

The mission of Nursing Clio is to provide a platform for historians, health care workers, community activists, students, and the public at large to engage in socio-political and cultural critiques of this ongoing and historical dialogue regarding the gendered body, the history of medicine, and Continue reading