Assuming Gender. An Online Academic Journal – online!

Ausschnitt aus der WebsiteAssuming Gender. An Online Academic Journal (Web)

Special Issues: 2:1 Bodies (Link) | 3:1 Medieval Women (Link) | 4:1 Queer and There (Link)

Assuming Gender is an electronic journal dedicated to the timely analysis of constructions of gendered texts, practices, and subjectivities. This journal seeks to continue and shift debates on how gender is problematized in contemporary discourses as well as participate in the dialogue and tensions that maintain the urgency of such conversations.

Assuming Gender features cutting-edge research from a diverse range of methodologies and approaches to gender studies, and include work in feminist theories, queer theories, critical and cultural theory, literature, film studies, sociology and other relevant fields. As an online, open-access, international, peer-reviewed academic journal, Assuming Gender accepts articles and book reviews on a wide range of topics and welcome critical debate across all fields of inquiry.

Assuming Gender is based in the School of English, Communication, and Philosophy, Cardiff University and is funded by the Cardiff University Graduate School in Humanities and the Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory. Read more … (Website)

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