Category Archives: Category_Online Publikationen

Filmmaterial zum 1. Weltkrieg – online!

EFG1914 Project (Deutschland) (Web)

EFG1914 is a digitisation project focusing on films and non-film material from and related to World War I. 26 partners, among them 21 European film archives, are working towards the following main goals:

  • To digitise 661 hours of film and ca. 5.600 film-related documents on the theme of the WWI
  • To give access to the material through the European Film Gateway and Europeana
  • To build a virtual exhibition using selected objects digitised in EFG1914

The project covers all the different genres and sub-genres relevant in that time: newsreels, documentaries, fiction films, propaganda films. Moreover, it will also give access to anti-war films Continue reading

Network for Research Projects: Ireland and WW1 – online!

IrelandWW1: A new website to link researchers and community projects during the Decade of Commemoration, created by Richard Grayson and Catriona Pennell (Web)

The edotors have both been involved in a number of events which have flagged the amount of work going on around centenary commemorations. During these discussions, they have become aware that there are many connections which could be made between academics and community groups, but which have not yet been made.

Richard Grayson and Catriona Pennell are doing something about this through this website which acts as an information hub. They hope it will be useful for academics and community groups, collating information about whatever is happening in relation to the subject of Ireland in the era of the First World War. That could be current or future: research projects, doctorates, Continue reading

International Research Project: „Russia’s Great War and Revolution“ – online!

International research group with historians from Russia, the US and UK as well as Austria, Canada, Germany, Ireland and Canada (Web)

As the one-hundredth anniversary of the First World War approaches, public attention will increasingly turn to The Great War’s significance in shaping human history. Centennial commemorations will provide scholars with a singular opportunity to engage and educate general audiences regarding the conflict and its meanings. This is an opportunity of particular importance for historians of Russia.

For most of the twentieth century Russia’s Great War was a historical afterthought. Overshadowed by the Bolsheviks’ revolution, Civil War, and consolidation of power, the War took Continue reading

Genre & Histoire. La revue de l’association Mnémosyne – online!

Directrices de publication: Pascale Barthélémy, Isabelle Ernot; Comité de rédaction: Jean-Baptiste Bonnard, Geneviève Dermenjian, Irène Jami, Ulrike Krampl, Didier Lett, Dominique Picco, Anne-Claire Rebreyend et Rebecca Rogers (Website)

La revue Genre & Histoire, revue électronique – 2007 créée à l’initiative de l’association Mnémosyne – est un espace de publication ouvert à toutes celles et ceux dont les recherches s’inscrivent dans le domaine du genre avec une attention plus particulière aux étudiant-e-s (Master et Doctorat) d’histoire ainsi qu’à celles et ceux d’autres disciplines – sociologie, philosophie, anthropologie, géographie, sciences politiques, sciences de l’éducation, littérature, civilisations, Staps – dont les travaux comportent une dimension historique. Outre des articles scientifiques, elle accueille, pour le moment, différentes rubriques : résumés de travaux soutenus, bibliographies thématiques, itinéraires.

Texte auf Französisch, Englisch, Spanisch und Deutsch

Atria: Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History – New Website Online!

Atria is located in Amsterdam and one of the leading institutes on gender equality and women’s history (Web)

Atria offers a wide range of products and services on the interface between research, policy and history of women. The institute is the result of a merger between Aletta and E-Quality. For more information, visit the new website!

The website shows all the joined expertise from former organizations Aletta and E-Quality. You’ll find dossiers, theme specials and factsheets in the field of gender equality and diversity. You can search through an extensive (online) library collection with well over 105,000 books, as well as 1300 meters digital archive, consisting of ego documents, photographs, objects, sound recordings and oral history interviews. And, of course, you’ll be able to follow the latest blogs, discussions on topical matters and tweets from Atria news. Beschrijving (in English)

HARTS & Minds. Postgraduate Journal of Humanities and Arts – online!

HARTS & Minds, the postgraduate journal of Humanities and Arts (Web)

HARTS is an amalgamation of Humanities and Arts. The name reflects the inter-disciplinary nature of the journal.

HARTS & Minds was established in 2012 by Daniel Evers and Jen Baker at the University of Bristol. Although there were already countless established journals that targeted a specific subject, they wanted to target the incredible potential of inter-disciplinary work that is brought together by subjects under the Humanities and Arts.

The Graduate School of Arts and Humanities at Bristol has created a vibrant, collaborative research community and the editors hope to spread that ethos throughout the wider academic community. It is the aim to give more postgraduate students a chance to have their work published.

„European Women in Older Age“: Interviews with „women 70+“ from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Sardinia online!

The project „European Women in Older Age“ (Web) (August 2010 till July 2012) was supported by the Grundtvig Programme of the European Commission

  • Interviews are available with „women 70+“ from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Sardinia: Link

In today’s society it is no longer unusual for women to become over 80 years old. These women look back on long periods of dedication to professional and domestic activities. What do we know about women aged 70+ that shape their lives with outstanding courage and social engagement? Which decisive turning-points and challenges like illness, loss of partners or children financial constraints did they have to master? Which professional, social and other activities did they take up and how do they perceive their aging? These questions will be asked by groups of women 50+, reflecting at the same time on their own life experiences. Read more (Web)

Neue Online-Zeitschrift: BODY POLITICS

BODY POLITICS, Nr. 1: Thema „Fordismus“, hg. von Peter-Paul Bänziger (Link)

Aus dem Editorial: Die Körpergeschichte hat in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren enorm an wissenschaftlicher Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen und eine bemerkenswerte Ausweitung erfahren. Diese Zeitschrift versucht, diese Entwicklung in ihrer Facettenvielfalt abzubilden und weiter voranzutreiben.

Der Körper gerät dabei als ein multidimensionaler Forschungsgegenstand und das Ergebnis eines historischen Wandels in den Fokus – als ein Effekt sozialer Praktiken, ein Objekt der Imagination und Repräsentation, in seiner Diskursivität, Materialität und Produktivität. Er war und ist sowohl ein Medium der Subjektivierung als auch ein Ort gesellschaftlicher Ordnungsversuche und nicht zuletzt politischer Konflikte. In diesem umfassenden Verständnis lautet der Titel dieser Zeitschrift: Body Politics.

Die Körpergeschichte verändert dabei nicht nur Continue reading

Claudia Opitz-Belakhal: Die Quelle als „widerständige Akteurin“ in der Geschlechtergeschichte (Vortragsmanuskript online verfügbar)

Vortrag am 5. Workshop des Fakultätsschwerpunktfeldes Frauen- & Geschlechtergeschichte (FuGG) an der Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien am 7. März 2013 (Web)

Exklusiv für den Salon 21: Vortrag als PDF

Abstract: Obgleich historische Forschung immer auf historische „Quellen“ angewiesen ist, hat es wohl selten eine so intensive Diskussion über die Frage gegeben, ob und welche Quellen auf welche Weise für die historische Forschung zur Verfügung stünden, genutzt werden sollten und bearbeitet werden könnten wie in der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung.

In ihrem Vortrag umreisst Claudia Opitz-Belakhal zunächst kurz die Entwicklung und die Ergebnisse der Diskussion um die Quellenfrage in der Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, um dann einige Beispiele für Kernfragen und Probleme im Umgang mit Quellen, wie sie ihr in ihrer Forschung begegnet sind, zu präsentieren.

Sie geht dabei neben ihren ersten Erfahrungen als Frauenforscherinnen während ihrer Dissertationszeit v.a. auf zwei Beispiele näher ein: Einmal auf die Bedeutung der Quellen für die Diskussion um die „Erfindung der Mutterliebe“ um 1800 und zum zweiten auf ihren Eintritt in die Männlichkeitsgeschichte und die Beschäftigung mit der „Krise der Männlichkeit“ in Frankreich im 16. Jhds. während ihrer Arbeit an den Schriften des frühneuzeitlichen Staatstheoretikers und Juristen Jean Bodin (+1598). Zum Vortrag (PDF)

CfP: Feral Feminisms: a new independent, inter-media, peer reviewed, open access online journal

Call for Peer Reviewers

Feral Feminisms, a new independent, inter-media, peer reviewed, open access online journal, is seeking peer reviewers to join the Editorial Team. No previous experience is required and graduate students at various stages of their careers are encouraged to apply.

Feral Feminisms takes the feral as a provocative call to focus on untaming, undomesticating, queering, and radicalizing feminist thought and practice today. It is a space for students and scholars, artists and activists, to engage with the many sites and problematics of feminist studies –as understood broadly and across disciplines, genres, methods, politics, times, and contexts. Each issue of Feral Feminisms builds around a particular thematic, compiling diverse creative, queer, and always feral responses to the calls for papers. Continue reading