IrelandWW1: A new website to link researchers and community projects during the Decade of Commemoration, created by Richard Grayson and Catriona Pennell (Web)
The edotors have both been involved in a number of events which have flagged the amount of work going on around centenary commemorations. During these discussions, they have become aware that there are many connections which could be made between academics and community groups, but which have not yet been made.
Richard Grayson and Catriona Pennell are doing something about this through this website which acts as an information hub. They hope it will be useful for academics and community groups, collating information about whatever is happening in relation to the subject of Ireland in the era of the First World War. That could be current or future: research projects, doctorates, post-docs, exhibitions, public talks, workshops, publications, guided tours, political debates/discussions, documentaries, art, theatre… the list is endless.
As well as being an information hub, the editors hope that the website will also act as a networking forum, allowing academics and representatives of non-university-led organizations and projects to introduce themselves to each other, and perhaps act as a springboard for conversation and collaboration.
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