Monthly Archives: April 2009

CfP: Gender, Sport, and the Olympics (Publication: thirdspace); DL: 20.10.2009

The editors of /thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory and culture/ invite submissions for our forthcoming issue on gender, sport, and the Olympics.

Prompted by the upcoming 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, we are interested in exploring the central role which gender and sexuality play in shaping ideas about athleticism, sport culture, and the body, and the significant ways in which athletic events such as the Olympics work to transform conceptions of public space, national boundaries and identities, and gendered self-presentations and performances. This issue invites contributions on:

  • the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver
  • sport, athleticism, and ability
  • the Para Olympics
  • LGBT participation in athletics and the Olympics Continue reading

Vortragsreihe Kunst-Forschung-Geschlecht 22.04.2009, Wien

Ankündigung: Kunst-Forschung-Geschlecht, 22. 04. 2009
Der nächste Vortrag der Vortragsreihe Kunst-Forschung-Geschlecht findet am Mittwoch, 22.04.2009 um 18:00 Uhr im roten Lichthof der Angewandten (Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Wien) statt. Vortragen wird Mag.a Julia Girardi. Der Titel ihres Vortrags lautet „Architektur der Arbeit – Gendered office-spaces“. Frau ao. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Karin Raith moderiert.
Näheres auf
Architektur der Arbeit- Gendered office-spaces
Architektur ist sowohl in ihrer wissenschaftlichen und theoretischen Diskussion als auch praktischen Umsetzung männlich dominiert und eignet sich als Continue reading

Szenischen Lesung von Petra Unger zu Eugenie Schwarzwald, 16.04.2009, Wien

Zeit: 16. April 2009, 19.30 Uhr
Ort: Kolpinghaus, 1060 Wien, Gumpendorferstr. 39
Unkostenbeitrag pro Person beträgt € 10.-
Ist es nicht ergreifend, was für einen Aktionsradius diese bewundernswerte Frau hat? Nur in Österreich ist möglich, dass ein Mensch von Begabung und Tatkraft nicht schon längst Bundespräsidentin, Rektorin der Universität, Erzbischöfin und Herausgeberin der Fackel ist.“, schreibt Robert Musil 1924 über Eugenie Schwarzwald.
Die Anzahl ihrer Gründungen, Aktivitäten und Initiativen ist tatsächlich fast unüberschaubar. Die korpulente „Frau Doktor“ ist eine der bedeutendsten Schulgründerinnen Österreichs, deren reformpädagogische Ansätze in die berühmte Schulreform Otto Glöckels eingegangen sind. Mit ihrer Mädchenschule in der Wallnerstrasse 9, später Herrengasse 10 ermöglicht sie erstmals in Österreich Mädchen die Möglichkeit zu maturieren. Es gelingt ihr namhafte Lehrer an ihrer Schule zu beschäftigen: Hans Kelsen unterrichtet Soziologie, Arnold Schönberg und Egon Wellesz vermitteln Musik und der junge Adolf Loos richtet nicht nur die Schulräumlichkeiten ein, sondern lehrt Architektur. Während des ersten Weltkrieges initiiert Eugenie Schwarzwald die Aktion „Wiener Kinder aufs Land“ und Continue reading

CfP and Panels: Regulated Liberties. Negotiating Freedom in Art, Culture and Media (20-22.08.09; Turku, Finland); DL: 14.05.09

3rd Call for Papers and Panels – Regulated Liberties. Negotiating Freedom in Art, Culture and Media
1st Rethinking Art Studies (REARS) conference in Turku, August 20-22 2009, University of Turku, Finland.
Freedom is a heavily charged notion with a vast conceptual width. Yet, the question of freedom and its regulation remains inadequately studied in the field of art, culture and media. Research has often relied conceptually on dichotomies and concentrated on revealing different kinds of power structures and forms of oppression, which tends to simplify the complex nature of freedom and constraint. The conference is dedicated to rethinking cultural power in new inventive ways not based on a dichotomous logic of domination and resistance. The concept of „regulated liberties“ denotes a more complex relationship of negotiation between the dominant and its subjects.
The aim of the conference is to relate art, culture and media to questions concerning freedom, emancipation and resistance. The overall conference topic disperses on the theoretical fields of subjectivity, social structures, and representation. Continue reading

CfP: Feminist Review: Religion and Spirituality Issue; DL: 28.02.2010

This issue of Feminist Review, edited by Lyn Thomas and Avtar Brah, will explore a range of religious and spiritual practices through the lens of gender, and will encompass both theoretical and empirical approaches. We hope to engage with feminism’s long history of critique of the patriarchal nature of world religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and more recent problematisations of these approaches in light of feminism’s relationship to the Enlightenment and to colonialism.
Recent work on the gendering of secularisation theories and on women’s practice of faith and spirituality has complicated and nuanced feminist approaches to religion; this issue will address these questions, while attempting to broaden the debate beyond the binary oppositions and alignments of religion (and most notably Islam) with tradition and ‘backwardness’, and of feminisms with modernity and secularism. Continue reading

CfP: Gender and Global Economic Crisis (13-14.07.09, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York); DL: 10.05.2009

Co-organized by the Gender Equality and the Economy Program, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
The current global crisis that has engulfed the world economy makes it more urgent than ever to continue the work of generating and sharing knowledge for the formulation of gender – equitable responses, including in the areas of macroeconomic and International trade policies and global finance. With this purpose in mind a conference is being organized to take place on July 13-14, 2009, immediately following the planned GEM 2-week intensive course (June 29-July 10, 2009) at Blithewood, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York.
In addition to theoretical papers, we are seeking empirical contributions with regional and country-level emphasis; evaluation of government responses to this crisis and policy recommendations; comparisons of this crisis with previous ones and “lessons learned”. Though not exclusively, a special emphasis is encouraged on the intersection between gender, institutional arrangements, and policy space as follows:
• Gender and Macroeconomic “Policy Space”: Continue reading

Vortrag: Frauenbilder um 1809 / Immagini di donne nel 1809, 23.04.2009, Bozen/Bolzano

Frauen Archiv/Archivio storico delle donne Bozen/Bolzano – Vortrags- und Diskussionsreihe: DER WEIBLICHE FADEN DER ERINNERUNG
Frauenbilder um 1809
Donnerstag, 23. April 2009 um 20.00 Uhr
Während Frauen in den schriftlichen Quellen zu 1809 eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen, werden sie auf Bildern relativ häufig dargestellt und nehmen dort durchaus unterschiedliche Rollen ein. Durch eine genauere Betrachtung und Interpretation dieser Bilder soll über die Rolle der Frauen sowohl bei den historischen Ereignissen selbst als auch bei der Mythenbildung im Nachhinein reflektiert werden.
Eingebettet werden die Ausführungen in allgemeine Überlegungen zum Zusammenhang zwischen Frauenbildern und Geschichtsbildern.
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Ciclo d’incontri tematici e di discussione: IL FILO FEMMINILE DELLA MEMORIA
Immagini di donne nel 1809
giovedì 23 aprile 2009 alle ore 20.00
Mentre le donne nelle fonti scritte del 1809 hanno Continue reading

CfP: Second World War Studies (Event: Birmingham 07/09); DL: 15.05.2009

The Centre for Second World War Studies and the British Commission for Military History are organizing a joint conference from Friday 24 July to Sunday 26 July 2009 to mark the 70th Anniversary of the outbreak of Second World War. The Conference will be held at the Centre for Professional Development, College of Medical & Dental Science, University of Birmingham.

Deadline: 15.05.2009

The theme of the Conference is “New Thinking on the Second World War”. Archival research is beginning to challenge many of the traditional interpretations and the organizers would like to receive proposals for papers which take a fresh view of many aspects of the war. Proposals for papers from current PhD students are particularly welcome. It is intended that a number of papers will review the established reputations of a number of major commanders and there will be four Workshop sessions, dealing with the following topics:


Issue 30 of CRITIQUE & HUMANISM journal
Issue Editors: Dr. Marina Liakova (University of Education, Karlsruhe) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vyara Angelova (Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“)
The issue is scheduled for December 2009. The journal invites contributions in English, German and French. The accepted articles will be published in Bulgarian translation.
ABOUT US: Critique & Humanism journal, founded in 1990, is the first independent academic journal in Bulgaria. It has an interdisciplinary profile, with special emphases on political philosophy, social theory and sociology. The journal released thematic issues twice a year in Bulgarian language, with special bilingual issues (in Bulgarian and English). Based on its understanding of social sciences as a fundamental critical resource in contemporary world, the journal fosters and represents intellectual and public debates and thereby promotes the building of an active public sphere and civic culture Continue reading

Workshop: Widerstand – Gewalt – Mythos: Partisanenbewegungen im europäischen Vergleich, 15.-16.05.2009, Konstanz

Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolleg (Universität Konstanz) in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr. Bianka Pietrow-Ennker, Fachbereich Osteuropäische Geschichte
Zeit: 15.-16.05.2009
Ort: Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolleg, Bischofsvilla, Otto-Adam-Str. 5, 78467 Konstanz
Anmeldung bis: 13.05.2009
Freitag, 15. Mai 2009
Begrüßung und Einführung
Dr. Carmen Scheide, Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolleg Konstanz: Partisanenmythos und Gegennarrative: Deutungsmuster und analytische Zugänge
Dr. Alexander Gogun, Humboldt Universität Berlin: Ukrainische Partisanen (1941-1944) und ukrainische Aufständische (1943-1949), ein Vergleichsversuch Continue reading