Wellesley College: Deerfield Symposium (Web)
Time: 04.03.2023
Venue: Wellesley College/MA and virtual space
This one-day symposium will explore the visual and material cultures of race and ethnicity in New England’s domestic sphere from the 17th to the 20th centuries. Cultural and racial diversity have long characterized New England’s domestic environments and symposium participants will present research on the varied ways in which the region’s households were shaped by perceptions of, ideas about, and attitudes toward race and ethnicity. The event is free and open to the public; registration required. To register and to receive a link to the livestream (if needed) please complete the form here (Web).
- 9:00: Welcome – Martha McNamara (Wellesley Coll.) and Barbara Mathews (Historic Deerfield, Inc.)
- 9:15 Keynote – Marla Miller (Univ. of Massachusetts): Race, Place, & Entangled Homemaking: Views from Hadley, Massachusetts
10:30 Panel 1: Contested Household Space: 17th & 18th Centuries
- Caylin Carbonell (Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture): Households of Unfreedom in Colonial New England
- Cornelia Dayton (Univ. of Connecticut): John and Phillis Peters Move to a Middleton Farmstead
11:30 Panel 2: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Colonial Revival Movement Continue reading