CfP: The Pacific Coast Branch (Event: 08/2013, Colorado); DL: 15.01.2013

American Historical Association, Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado

Venue: Denver
Time: August 8–10, 2013
Deadline: 15 January 2013

Historical eras are marked by movements of individuals and groups whose decisions shape the settings of everyday life. Migration across national boundaries and oceans, treks from farm to city and suburb, military actions and individuals’ choices among neighborhoods — all have shaped communities, regions, and nations. People in motion have created openings for social change and cultural creativity. They have also exposed inequalities of opportunity, transformed natural systems, and rebalanced international relations.
We invite panels and papers that address these and related themes from such perspectives as immigration and borderlands history, ethnic studies, gender studies, urban history, environmental history, diplomatic and military history, and the history of local and national politics. All submissions should be sent by email, with attachments in Word or RTF. Please write “Proposed PCB Session (or Paper)” in the subject line.

When submitting a panel proposal:
(1) include an abstract that outlines the panel’s theme,
(2) designate one panelist as contact person,
(3) include all contact information for each panelist and a short biography of each person, and
(4) indicate audio/visual needs.

Each paper proposal, whether individual or part of a panel, should include for every participant:
(1) one-page abstract,
(2) one-page CV,
(3) address, phone number, and email, and
(4) audio/visual needs. The program committee assumes all members of proposed panels have agreed to participate.

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, January 15, 2013. WE ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGE GRADUATE STUDENTS TO SUBMIT PANEL OR PAPER PROPOSALS. Please email submissions to both: Susan Wladaver-Morgan, Pacific Historical Review, and Elizabeth Escobedo, University of Denver,

Sorce: International Federation for Research in Women’s History/Federation Internationale pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes NEWSLETTER

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