Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Web)
Venue: Berlin
Time: 06.-08.01.2016
Investigations of paper technologies and paper work have rarely addressed issues of gender, despite ample evidence that many of such activities occurred in highly gendered spaces, such as the household, the office, or the laboratory. By focusing on paper use in a variety of contexts from the early modern period to the late twentieth century, the workshop aims to examine the nuanced ways in which gender framed knowledge production practices and, in turn, how paper tools, technologies and objects themselves materialized knowledge and notions of gender.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
- 12:30 Welcome and Introduction; Lunch
Session 1: Technologies
- 2:00-2:50 Matthew Eddy (Durham Univ., UK): Writing Like a Girl: Notebooks, Natural Knowledge and the Scribal Foundations of Gender c. 1800
- 3:00-3:50 Raja Adal (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA): Gendering Anonymity: The Typewriters that Hid the Hands of Men and those that Hid the Hands of Women