GENDES, Gediz University Law Faculty in collaboration with Michigan State University and Coventry University (Web)
Time: 11-14 May 2016
Veneu: Gediz University, Izmir, Turkey
Abstract by: 1 April 2016
This interdisciplinary conference is open for papers across disciplines, including, but not limited to legal studies, sociology, anthropology, economics, gender studies, cultural studies, migration studies, politics, international relations and else. The conference will explore the following themes:
- Mass Migration of Syrians: Numerous assessments have been conducted to better understand the challenges that Syrian women, girls, boys and men face in relation with sexual and gender based violence. What are the forms of the sexual and gender based violence identified including, among others, domestic violence, early marriage, etc.? The Syrian Migration topic will be held with a special day focus with the following themes: National and international security, sexual violence and sexual trafficking, child marriage, human shelters, education, uncertainty of legal status, working permit, gender based employment experiences, gendered human security, transnational families, illegal second marriage victimisation, stigmatization of the transnational families, camp policies, relations with host country, the radicalised youth, refugee militarisation.
- Gendered Causes and Implications of Migration: What is the interplay between gender and migration? How does gender influence migration decision and outcomes? How does migration influence gender relations, either entrenching inequalities and traditional roles or challenging and changing them?
- Home and Host Country Implications of Migration: Who migrates and why, and how is the decision of migration made? How does migration impact on migrants themselves, on sending areas and receiving areas?
- Employment and Labour Markets in the Context of Migration: How do migrants perform in the host country labour markets, and what are the gendered outcomes? How does discrimination and equality in relation to gender, apply within the field of employment in a legal context? What are the limitations of the principles of non-discrimination and equal treatment in achieving to enter the labour market?
- Policies: What are the impacts of policies that cause gender-discrimination in the context of migration and refugees? What kind of policy and practices are needed in the global policy agenda to address gender equality in the migration context?
- Family reunifications: Do some individuals migrate to escape the constraints of family life – particularly the gender roles? In general, who appear more likely to migrate to join or accompany other family members? What are the obstacles to family reunification? How does family reunification shape the migration policies of states?
- Domestic workers: What would be the effective laws and policies by the state central to the promotion of human rights and the ending of conditions deemed to be modern slavery? What problems do domestic workers face?
- Refugees and Gender: What is the legal, socio-economic and political status of refugees in host countries? What are the gendered implications of migration for refugees? What are the possible policy interventions to improve the status of refugees?
- Call for revision of Geneva Convention on asylum: What are the problems with the 1951 Geneva Convention related to aspects such as: definition, inconsistencies of interpretation and application, the migration channel, government concerns and government hypocrisy, inequities, etc.
- Human Trafficking: How can we approach the human trafficking issue from a gender and a rights-responsive development paradigm? What are the victims’ experiences, especially rooted in their unequal social locations, their special needs? Do the international law and the state laws protect the victims, or do we need revision in legislation?
Source: H-Net Notifications