Klicktipp: Sexing History, a new podcast that examines the history of sexuality (New Podcast)

Sexing History: Podcast by Gillian Frank and Lauren Gutterman (Web)

Sexing History is a podcast about how the history of sexuality shapes our present. Co-hosted by Gillian Frank and Lauren Gutterman, Sexing History is available on iTunes, via RRS and Stitcher. Read more … (Web)

This podcast uses oral histories, archival sound clips, commentary and analysis, and interviews with other scholars in the field to tell compelling stories about the past to illuminate our present.


  1. The first episode looks at the story of Aaron Fricke. In 1980, Aaron sued his Rhode Island school district after they prohibited him from bringing his same-sex partner to prom. (Link)
  2. The second episode tells the story of Dr. Kenneth Edelin, an African American abortion provider in 1970s Boston. (Link)
  3. The third episode tells the story of Jack Feather. In 1966, before breast implants were widely available or popular, Feather patented a „spring type breast developer.“ He made millions of dollars promising women that they could change their bodies and increase their sex appeal. (Link)