New Call for Panels for the American Historical Association (AHA) Conference (Boston, 01/2011)

American Historical Association (AH) Conference (Web)

Time:January 6-9 2011
Place: Boston

Call for Panels

  • CFPanelist: Masculinity and the military, DL: –
  • CFPanelists: Women and Violence, DL: –
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    CFPanelist: Masculinity and the military, AHA 2011 Boston

    Hi, we are putting together a panel for the AHA 2011 in Boston and looking for a third panelist. The panel is called „Claiming Masculinity, Questioning Gender: Integrating (in) the Military.“ It seeks to examine the diverse ways that the military, viewed by many as a sacred institution, became a site where individuals and group broaden understandings about citizenship, gender and masculine obligations, and normality in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. In particular, the papers examine the various ways that military integration and attempts to make a more inclusive Armed Forces challenged old definitions and stereotypes concerning gender, masculinity, race, and sexuality.

    One paper looks at the male nurse integration in the Army Nurse Corp after the Second World War. The other explores racial integration during the Korean War and questions of masculinity.

    We are looking for someone who is working on the integration of women or issues of homosexuality in the military.

    If you are interested, please send a short cv and paper proposal as soon as possible to the following email address:

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Christine Knauer
    historian with the University of Tuebingen
    Charissa Threat
    Professor Northeastern University

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    CFPanelists: Women and Violence, 2011 AHA

    I would like to put together a panel for the 2011 AHA conference (January 6-9, Boston) on women and violence in the antebellum period. Papers could include discussions of violence committed by women, against women, or fictional violence created by female authors. I am also looking for a chair and commentator.

    My paper will explore newspaper anecdotes glorifying the murderous actions of American „heroines“ – specifically Hannah Dustan and Margaret Garner. As the conference theme is „History, Society, and the Sacred,“ my hope is that the panel will connect gendered violence with religious belief, patriotism, notions of women’s moral superiority, or some other arena of the sacred.

    Please contact me off list at

    Emily Lewis
    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History
    School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies
    Arizona State University
    P.O. Box 874302
    Tempe, AZ 85287-4302


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