Call for Applications: Postgraduate Programs in Gender/ Cultural Studies in South-Eastern Europe, September 2007, Skopje

“Euro-Balkan” Institute from Skopje (Republic of Macedonia) is pleased to inform you that in the beginning of September 2007 a call for applications for MA and Ph.D. students will be launched for its postgraduate programs in gender studies and cultural studies. Both programs represent sets of exciting interdisciplinary approaches in the studies of gender and culture in (and of) the context of Southeastern Europe, enabling students from Macedonia as well as from any other country to aquire an MA and Ph.D. degree in the respective subject areas. Postgraduate programs offered by “Euro-Balkan” Institute are accredited by the National Board for Accreditation in the Higher Education of the Republic of Macedonia. The country is signatory of Bologna Declaration and the studies are organized according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) enforced by national law concerning higher education. For foreign students studies are organized in English language (referring also to the language in which the theses will be written and defended). Teaching staff is comprised of internationally renowned professors coming from Macedonia, Southeastern Europe, EU, USA and other countries. “Euro-Balkan” Institute offers a flexible model of study for the foreign students organized on the basis of intensive master courses in the form of summer schools and online teaching/learning tutorials.
All details concerning the processes of application, selection and the course of study itself will be announced in the “Call for Applications” in early September 2007.
Executive Director of the “Euro-Balkan” Institute: Dr. Jovan Donev
Head of the Postgraduate Studies Department of “Euro-Balkan” Institute: Dr. Katerina Kolozova
Head of the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Studies: Dr. Suzana Milevska
Head of the Postgraduate Program in Gender Studies: Dr. Katerina Kolozova
Email: (alterantive emails are the following: and
Address: “Euro-Balkan” Institute, Bld. Partizanski odredi no. 63, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Web addresses:,,

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