EHLN working group “Feminist Labour History” (Web) and SISLAV working group “Gender and Labour”, supported by the Department of History and Cultures at Bologna University
Venue: Bologna
Time: 17-18 January 2019
Proposals by: 10.07.2018
The two-days conference explores new perspectives in gendered labour history as arising in Europe and around the world since the beginning of the 21st century. The conference builds on and moves forward the debates on and within feminist labour history which took place during the Turin (2015) and Paris (2017) conferences of the ELHN, with the aim of including selected papers in prospective book projects. The first day of the conference will be devoted to the theme work and gender in context, and addresses two large research contexts:
1) the variety of forms of work, waged and unwaged, emerging in different historical periods and places in formal as well as informal economies, and in occupations traditionally connoted as male or female;
2) the impact of socio-economic transformations at the crossroads of the productive and reproductive spheres.
Topics include (but are not limited) to the following:
- precarious, informal, subsistence work
- gender in typically male occupations or branches
- gender and deindustrialization
- the home/household/work nexus … read more (PDF)