CfP: Politics and Practices: The History of Post-war Women’s Health (Event: Manchester, 10/2010); DL: 15.06.2010

Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester

Time: 22nd-23rd October 2010
Venue: University of Manchester
Extended Deadline: 15 June 2010

This two-day conference will bring together researchers interested in the history of post-war women’s health. In contrast to most histories of women’s health which focus on the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, this conference aims to showcase research on the politics, policy and practice of women’s health after 1945, a much less studied yet dynamic era for women as patients, providers, caregivers, policy-makers, and activists.

We invite proposals for individual papers of 20 minutes in length. We especially look forward to receiving proposals on the following themes, in ANY national context:

  • Women’s formal health care work: medical and nursing professionals, allied health workers
  • Women’s informal provision of health care: home care, voluntary work
  • Women as makers and objects of health policy in post-war states
  • Women’s everyday health practices: self-care, pharmaceuticals, hygiene, prevention
  • Sexual health/health and sexuality
  • Reproductive health, reproduction, and mothering
  • Mental health, institutions, and activism
  • Women’s health activism and feminist health politics
  • The gendering of self-help and the consumer health movement
  • Women and biomedical research: standards, trials, consent practices
  • ‚Female‘ diseases and their sufferers
  • Women and post-war epidemics: AIDS and cancer
  • Ageing and women’s health
  • Intersections of biomedical and cultural narratives about femininity and womanhood

We particularly welcome submissions from postgraduate researchers. Bursaries to cover transportation and other costs for postgraduates may be available.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact the conference organisers, Dr Emma Jones ( and Dr Elizabeth Toon (

Please submit paper proposals (300 words) to The deadline for submission is 15 JUNE 2010.

Dr Emma L Jones
Research Associate
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Manchester
M13 9PL


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