CfP: Second European Conference on Politics and Gender (Jan. 2010, Budapest); DL: 18.06.2010

Second European Conference on Politics and Gender (Web)

Time: 13 – 15 January 2011
Venue: Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Deadline for proposals is 18 June 2010

Papers and panels are invited to one of the following ten sections:

  1. Social Movements (Chair: Sabine Lang)
  2. States, Gendered Institutions & Public Policy (Chairs: Fiona Mackay & Louise Chappell)
  3. Political Representation (Chair: Rainbow Murray)
  4. Research Methodologies and Methods (Chair: Petra Meier)
  5. Violence, War and Security (Chair: Marsha Henry)
  6. Gender, Development and Democracy (Chair: Georgina Waylen)
  7. Sexuality and the Body (Chair: Ute Kalender)
  8. Identity and Multiculturalism (Chair: Birgit Sauer)
  9. Citizenship (Chair: Teresa Kulawik)
  10. European and International Governance (Chair: Anna Van der Vleuten)

The ECPG conference is organised by the ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics. It is a broad-based network on issues relating to the study of gender and sexuality in politics and world politics. The Second ECPG aims to strengthen and expand the gender and politics community in Europe and beyond. By fostering intellectual, political and social connections, the conference also aims to ensure that gender as a research field within politics and women in the profession are taken seriously by ECPR and other professional organisations for political science.

Visit the conference website for more information and to submit a proposal.

If you have any questions, please email the conference organisers: Faith Armitage ( or Karen Celis (


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