ALMS Conference Berlin 2019 (Web)
Time: 27.-29.06.2019
Place: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
The short version of the very comprehensive program of the ALMS Conference „Queering Memory“ is published now. It includes the conference schedule, presenters’ names and presentation titles, some paper titles have been shortened. Full titles will be included in the final program together with paper abstracts just before the conference. Read more … (Web)
The conferende is hosted by the Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft (Society) in partnership with Forschungsstelle Kulturgeschichte der Sexualität at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the FFBIZ – das feministische Archiv, the Initiative Queer Nations, the Lili-Elbe-Archiv, the Schwules Museum, and Spinnboden Lesbenarchiv.
Right on time for the 6th of May – the day the Nazis broke into Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Science in 1933 and destroyed it – this program is testament to a whole history of queer resistance. The final Evening Podium ‚Queering Memory, Defending the Future‘, will discuss the challenges posed by increasingly homo- and transphobic ’strong man‘ governments not only to the future of queer archives, libraries, museums and special collections, but also to queer lives now. The organizers hope the conference contributes to building a sense of global solidarity in the future.