Coming up for Heir: Identities & Sexualities Let Loose in the Early Modern Age
Seminar Organizer: Cheryl Goldstein, Cal State Long Beach, Nhora Serrano, Cal State Long Beach, USA
The European Early Modern Age designates a period that spans from the Quatrocento to the Enlightenment, between the 15th and 18th centuries. Known for its rich interconnectedness between cultures and languages, it was a fertile period that witnessed monumental political and historical shifts such as the accelerated Christianization of many non-Western populations as well as the advent of the Age of Exploration. As the many kingdoms, languages and burgeoning countries (city-states) in Western Europe were reshaping and redefining their own cultural and political identities, Early Modern writers were engaging with polemics of the day asserting and confronting their own identities and sexualities within and outside the domain of the written word. Male and female writers express a fascination with a turn to the classical golden age explaining the epistemological and philosophical shift and pursuing questions of subjectivity and representation. Our panel will reflect on the nature of these variously recorded identities and their engagement with community as a cultural and visual exercise.
We welcome papers addressing cross-cultural, interdisciplinary approaches, in particular those that
engage in both verbal and visual genres.
To submit a paper proposal, please submit your 250 word abstract on the acla website:
[Deadline for Paper Proposals: November 15, 2007]
Any questions, please contact Prof. Cheryl Goldstein
(cgoldst2[at] or Prof. Nhora Serrano
CfP: Identities & Sexualities Let Loose in the Early Modern Age, deadline 15.11.07
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