Fellowships Junior Scholars – Centre of Gender Excellence, Örebro + Linköpings, Sweden

GEXcel Fellowships for Junior Scholars
Application Deadlines:
30 April 2007 for Fall 2007
15 October 2007 for Spring 2008

Örebro University and Linköpings University of Sweden are pleased to announce the launch of a five-year project supported to establish a Centre of Gender Excellence– Gendering Excellence (GEXcel): Towards a European Centre of Excellence in Transnational and Transdisciplinary Studies of Changing Gender Relations, Intersectionalities and Embodiment. With support from the Swedish Research Council GEXcel will carry out new research and become the foundation for a more permanent Sweden-based European Collegium for Advanced Transnational and Transdisciplinary Gender Studies.
A Visiting Fellows Programme has been organized to attract promising younger scholars from Sweden and abroad with a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, who will carry out thematically organized, joint gender research, under the direction of one of the six professors in Sweden who are responsible for the programme and working in collaboration with invited senior researchers.
In 2007-08, the theme of research is “Gender, Sexuality, and Global Change,” directed by Anna G. Jónasdóttir, Professor of Gender Studies at Örebro University. Positions for junior scholars (doctoral students and postodoctoral scholars) to participate in “Gender, Sexuality, and Global Change” thematic research are now open for competition.
Proposals are invited from doctoral students outside Sweden for one-month fellowships (One fellowship in Fall 2007; two fellowships in Spring 2008) Fellowships include salary, housing stipend and travel to Sweden.
Proposals are invited from postdoctoral scholars (priority given to applicants from Europe, including Sweden) for two fellowships of six months’ duration (One in Fall 2007; one in Spring 2008). Fellowships include salary, housing stipend and travel to Sweden.
Proposals must include a current cv, an abstract of the proposed project, a narrative description (maximum: five pages) of the project to be undertaken during the fellowship, and a short bibliography. Applicants must explain specifically how the work will contribute to understanding at least one of the sub-themes of the “Gender, Sexuality, and Global Change” research theme. Doctoral Candidates must include the name and contact information for their research supervisor. Postdoctoral applicants must also include two samples of their work (published or unpublished) on the topic.
All proposals and supporting materials should be submitted electronically to Professor Anna G. Jónasdóttir, GEXcel Research Theme I Director (anna.jonasdottir@sam.oru.se) and Prof. Kathleen B. Jones, GEXcel Advisory Board Member (profjones@cox.net). A committee will evaluate all applications and select finalists.
Application Deadline:
30 April 2007 for Fall 2007 (Awards Announced in May 2007)
15 October 2007 for Spring 2008 (Awards Announced in November 2007)

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