Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (IOS) (Web)
Time: 13.-15.10.2022
Venue: IOS Regensburg
The Conference will investigate the current state of public health and its recent as well as historical development in the region from multiple perspectives. The organizers want to highlight the economic, social and political dimensions of public health today and in the past. Historically, what factors have contributed to the creation of public health systems in the first place and which specific development patterns can be detected in Eastern and Southeastern Europe through the 20th century? What (dis)continuities can there be traced between (pre-)socialist and post-socialist patterns of development?
Programme (PDF)
- International influence and networks
- Health and political environment
- Vaccination resistance
- Health inequalities
- State health care systems
- Trust in public health
- Disadvantaged groups
- Dora Vargha (HU Berlin): Defining success: inequalities, unintended consequences and the endings of epidemics in Eastern Europe
- Christopher Gerry (Univ. of Central Asia, Bishkek/Univ. of Oxford): Improving Health? Trends, prospects and challenges in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 2000-2022
Source: HSozuKult