CfP: Gender Relations in Africa: Rethinking Patriarchy, Revisiting Complementarity (Journal of Culture and African Women Studies); by: 31.01.2023

JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies (Web)

Proposals by: 31.01.2023

Discourses on gender relations worldwide presuppose that all women have occupied subordinate positions since the beginning of time in both public and private spheres due to patriarchy. From historical evidence in African societies, gender relations seem to lean more toward complementarity than the patriarchy. In this volume, patriarchy will be broadly defined as the unequal distribution of power between men and women that oppresses, discriminates, and subordinates women, and defines complementarity as a culture that emphasizes a relationship between men and women, which stresses the importance of partnership. The editors do not subscribe to a North Africa/Sub-Saharan Africa split and will welcome submissions on topics from across the Continent.
Articles that examine gender relations from a multidisciplinary perspective will be accepted, particularly those that explore continuity and change in African gender relations and women’s experiences in Africa since pre-colonial times. Rather than assuming the existence and prevalence of patriarchy in the African context, it would be essential to problematize the meaning of patriarchy and complementarity as a word and a concept.
Others include (but are not limited to) a comparative analysis of the status of women in Africa; how might cultural and social practices of African societies challenge contemporary discourse on the subject? Is patriarchy a colonial concept? How might this advance what we know historically and contemporarily about patriarchy in Africa concerning African women? Therefore, this call calls on researchers to explore patriarchy and complementarity from the pre-colonial, colonial, and postcolonial eras. The second issue broadens our scope to include the African diaspora. How might the transnational experience impact African women’s experience of patriarchy or complementarity? What nuances do their new social, cultural, economic and perhaps religious realities produce concerning their understanding and experiences of patriarchy or complementarity?

The papers will be blind peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers, so do not include identifying information in the body of your essay. Articles must be submitted for the first Issue of 2023 (Issue 42, April 2023) by January 31, 2023, and articles for the second Issue of 2023 (Issue 43, October 2023) must be submitted by July 31, 2023.

Deadline for Papers: January 31, 2023 (first issue) and July 31, 2023 (second issue)

Direct all inquiries and submit papers to Dr. Oluwakemi Abiodun Adesina and her Editorial Committee at

Source: H-Net Notifications