Tanya Sheehan: The Happiness of Others: Social Identity and the Photographic Smile, 20.09.2011, Providence

Departments of History and the History of Art and Architecture at Brown University and the American Antiquarian Society
Time: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 5:30 pm
Venue: 110 List Art Center, 64 College Street, Brown University, Providence/RI
Tanya Sheehan (Assistant Professor, Art History Department, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey) is the author of „Doctored: The Medicine of Photography in Nineteenth-Century America“ (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011), which explores the relationship between studio portrait photography, medical discourse, and social identity. In this lecture, Dr. Sheehan explores how and why national conceptions of social difference have framed one of portrait photography’s most entrenched conventions: the smile.

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