The International Federation for Research in Women’s History – IFRWH | Federation Internationale pour des Femmes – FIRHF (Web)
The IFRWH Newsletter is published semi-annually. It provides an overview of new international publications on women’s and gender history: It presents research projects, announces conferences and places calls for papers. The newsletter thus gives a valuable overview of the relevant research being done worldwide.
The Newsletter Issue 72 (2022/2) is online now. It has a volume of 73 pages. The newsletter always publishes a lot of information from Austria. The coordinator of the contributions from Austria is Birgitta Bader-Zaar (PDF).
A list of the all previous newsletters can be found on the website (Web).
The International Federation for Research in Women’s History
The IFRWH was founded in April 1987. The first meeting of national committee representatives was held in 1989, in Bellagio, Italy, with the assistance of the Rockefeller Foundation.
The Aim of IFRWH is to encourage and coordinate research in all aspects of women’s history at the international level, by promoting exchange of information and publication and by arranging and assisting in arranging large-scale international conferences as well as more restricted and specialized meetings. National Committees serve as liaison between communities of researchers and the Federation. Find more information on the website (Web).
Selected papers presented at the Federation’s confrences have been published in several volumes (Web).