The fourth International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education wants to follow the road that it initiated in its previous edition, by offering more open participation spaces. These spaces aim to promote real dialogue between the participants and to provide a space for exchange for research projects, experiences and different points of view of a complex theme, which will be examined on this occasion. In practice, these open participation spaces are the Papers and Good Practices Workshops, on Tuesday, 1 April in the afternoon. The main objective is twofold: open up active participation of researchers, who follow regularly the GUNI conferences and call for papers, and offer participants a more dynamic and innovative space. It takes as a starting point the basic explanations and the statements of the plenary sessions of the conference so as to move debate towards concrete questions, individual research activities and localised cases.
The Foreword and the Introduction of the next report give a framework to this call for papers and the conference and serve as background information for the elaboration of proposals. Both documents can be downloaded from this page.
Therefore, we wish to invite you to participate in this call for papers and good practices. Please consult any details and instructions available on this website. The papers can be either of theoretical and academic type, reflecting research results, or rather practical, highlighting experiences and good practices in any of the following thematic lines:
Ethics and relevance of scientific knowledge: what knowledge for what society?
Knowledge technologies for social transformation
Higher education and gender equity
Higher education, arts and creativity
The role of higher education in peace building and reconciliation processes
Higher education for intercultural dialogue and multiculturalism
Higher education for sustainable development
Higher education and citizenship, participation and democracy
CfP: International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: New Challenges and Emerging Roles for Human and Social Development, Deadline: 10.01.08
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