Institut für Romanistik der Universität Wien
Time: 14.-15.06.2012
Venue: University of Vienna, Department of Romance Studies, Campus, Spitalgasse 2, Yard 8, “Sitzungszimmer”
10:00 – 12:00: Panel I: Contested Borderzones: Animals and Humans
- Sergius Kodera, University of Vienna/New Design University St. Pölten: „The Discrete Naturalisation of Humans in Giovan Battista della Porta’s Physiognomy“
- Karin Harrasser, Academy of Media Arts, Cologne/University of Art, Braunschweig: „Becoming Human With and Against the Animal. Helen Keller and the Meaning of the Seeing-Eye Dog“
- Respondent: Birgit Wagner, University of Vienna
14:00 – 16:00: Panel II: Contested Borderzones: Humans and Artefacts
- Montserrat Cabré, University of Santander: “Adorning the Female Body: Divergence and Accord in Fifteenth-Century Women’s Thinking on Women”;
- Bernadette Wegenstein, Johns Hopkins University Baltimore: “Breast Off: from Saint Agatha’s Martyrdom to Preventative Mastectomies in Today’s Breast Cancer World“
- Respondent: Wolfgang Müller-Funk, University of Vienna
17:00 – 19:00: Evening Keynote-Lecture
- Alison Jaggar, University of Colorado at Boulder: „Feminist Methodology in Practice: Learning from a Research Project“; Organization in ccoperation with the Department of Development Studies
Friday, June, 15th, 2012
University of Vienna, Department for Romance Studies, Campus, Spitalgasse 2, Yard 8, Sitzungszimmer
09:30 – 11:30: Panel III: Contested Borderzones: Real and Virtual
- Elena Carrera, Queen Mary University of London: “Dismantling Gender Stereotypes, Re-Embodying Pleasure: Teresa of Avila’s The Way of Perfection (1569)”
- Evelin Stermitz, University of Vienna/University of Ljubljana: “Defragmented Objects: Women’s Bodies in a Virtual Context”
- Respondent: Sigrid Schmitz, University of Vienna
12:00 – 14:00: Panel IV: Contested Borderzones: (E)Motion and Passion
- Marlen Bidwell-Steiner, University of Vienna: Emotional Flow: Affection between Philosophy and Stage
- Brigitte Bargetz, Research Fellow at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin: Passionate Politics: Affective Accounts and Body Politics
- Respondent: Christina Lutter, University of Vienna
15:00 – 17:00: Panel V: Contested Borderzones: Male and Female
- Leah deVun, Rutgers University New Jersey: “Cures and Closures: Hermaphrodites and the Demands of Difference in the Early Modern Mediterranean“
- Diana Rey, University of Vienna: Blurring of the Bodies or Assault on the Boundaries? Re(de)constructing Transsexuality from within and beyond Medical Discourses and Gender/Queer Theory
- Respondent: Nikolaus Benke, University of Vienna
17:30 – 18:30: Summary of the contributions: Roundtable
- ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Seidler Dekanin der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Jörg Türschmann Institutsvorstand des Instituts für Romanistik
- Mag. Dr. Marlen Bidwell-Steiner