Event mit Shula Keshet: Frauenbewegungen in Israel | Projekt ACHOTI, 14.05.08, Wien

Informations- und Austauschgespräch | Intercultural Feminism from a Mizrahi Feminist perspective

Mittwoch 14. Mai um 19 Uhr
Ort: Frauenhetz, Untere Weissgerberstr. 41, 1030 Wien

Achoti (Sister)- for Women in Israel is non-profit organization that was established in 1999 by feminist social activists who recognized the need to set topics of social justice at the center of the public discourse and to enhance the solidarity of women from disempowered socioeconomic classes. Achoti is a Mizrahi feminist organization based on the similar principles that established Feminism of Color.

Achoti celebrates the diversity of Israeli women from different cultures and origins; thus, our agenda is tailored to the unique ethnic-cultural context in Israeli society. We aim to help increase the visibility of women from ethnic minorities and non-dominant groups in Israel and ensure that their voices are heard, while simultaneously amending the unequal relationship between these women and the dominant groups in society. Shula Keshet – Executive Director of Achoti, Mizrahi feminist, Artist, Curator, Social Activist, and has been leading for many years an innovative agenda in the politics of gender and identities in Israel.

Moderation: Birge Krondorfer

Frauenhetz: tel.: [01]/7159888, email: office#frauenhetz.at | Rolligerecht | Kinderbetreuungsbedarf bitte anmelden bis 08.05.2008 | Unkostenbeitrag/Spende: 3 € | Eine Veranstaltung für Frauen!

Weitere Informationen zu unserem Programm unter www.frauenhetz.at

*Shula Keshet ist auch als Künstlerin mit einer neu beauftragten Arbeit „beehive and archive“ über die Organisation Achoti vertreten in der Ausstellung „Overlapping Voices – Israeli and Palestinian artists“, Essl Museum 15. 5. – 26. 10., die vom Ritesinstitute (Karin Schneider, Friedemann Derschmidt), Tal Adler und Amal Murkus kuratiert ist. Eröffnungsperformance von Anisa Ashkar am 15. Mai, 19.30 Uhr.


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