CfP: Well-Being & Social Justice: Co-creating Kitchen Table History („Big Berks“-Conference, 06/2026, Evanston/IL); by: 31.01.2025

The 20th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders, and Sexualities (Web)

Time: 18.-21.06.2026
Venue: Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL
Proposals by: 31.01.2025

What does a well society – or wellness in a socially just society – look like? These are profound questions of great magnitude and consequence whether we are examining the past or abiding in the present. And they are quite definitely weighty matters as we consider and construct, right here and now, our individual and collective human- and eco-futures. The organisers invite historical, intellectual, artistic, activist, and world-building contributions that define and explore wellness, well-being, and care in relationship to the personal, interpersonal, societal, human-centric, and eco-centric.
At the 2026 „Big Berks“, the organisers are starting from these three foundational premises: We want to get well. We know it’s a weighty matter. And we want to get clearer about what this means by investigating, dialoguing, and funning together. In the tradition of Kitchen Table Press (Barbara Smith, Beverly Smith, and Audre Lorde), the organisers welcome you to sit down together to be in conversation to co-create kitchen table history. They invite scholars, activists, and artists of all persuasions, and especially graduate students and early career colleagues to collaborate and be nourished and nourish each other. Read more … (Web)

You might consider the following prompts:

  • Historical narratives, interpretations, and analyses we create: shifting frameworks and „states of mind“ toward wellness.
  • Re-imagining power and the -isms, informed by our lives, to create a more holistic history and historical record.
  • Decentering people as the sole focus of history: exploring alternate approaches such as eco-centric realities (e.g. remembering and belonging linked to microbes, animals, ecology, and the Earth).
  • Investigating strategies of the past to deal with local and world political systems and their discriminatory, unequal, oppressive, and dystopian contexts.
  • Healing from trauma, harm, and toxic environments: identifying ideological dogmatism, the ill-politics of revenge interpersonally and systemically; Continue reading

CfP: Making a living, making art: Wage labour, class, and the female avant-garde, 1920-1948 (Event, 05/2025, Bremen); by: 15.12.2024

Constructor Univ. Bremen; Julia Secklehner (Web)

Time: 15.-16.05.2025
Venue: Constructor Univ., Bremen
Proposals by: 15.12.2204

Central Europe’s modernist movements in the twentieth century have widely been accepted as middle-class phenomena, driven by figures with the education, time, and financial resources to devote themselves to creative production. Yet, as the First World War shook up the social and economic stability of many, comfortable backgrounds no longer guaranteed support. Women, in particular, found themselves in a new situation, not only gaining new liberties in the post-imperial successor states but often also facing the need to make a living. How did this affect their creativity and access to artistic education and production? From privately sold goods made in the home to administrative work and wage labour, women artists in the 1920s and 30s followed various professions to support themselves, their (artist) partners, and their dependents. While some of this work was to make ends meet, other activities, such as journalism and editorial work, craftwork, teaching and photography, also played an essential role in developing their artistic practice.
Taking this as a point of departure, this workshop addresses the invisible (wage) labour of modernist women artists and how it affected their creative work in different fields. It seeks to examine the ambivalences of paid and creative work faced and negotiated by individuals and their impact on our understanding of modernist artistic production. The workshop invites proposals for papers exploring examples and case studies that analyse the role of paid work in women’s artistic production. Studies can be comparative and historical analyses that take into account questions of gender, class, and race and approach the subject through, for example, art history, visual culture, labour history, or gender studies. While the main focus is on central Europe, contributions that examine examples from other geographies from the 1920s to the 1940s are welcome. Specific questions that might be addressed include, for example:

  • To what extent did the necessity to follow a profession to make a living foster and develop women’s creative practice in the first half of the twentieth century?
  • Which kinds of professions were particularly important in helping to develop women’s artistic practice? Which ones remained invisible?
  • How did questions of class impact women artists and designers‘ opportunities and skills in relation to both wage labour and creative work? Continue reading

CfP: Fandom | Culture | Research (Journal); by: 01.12.2024

Fandom | Culture | Research 2/25; Philipps-Univ. Marburg (Web)

Proposals by: 01.12.2024

Fandom | Cultures | Research is the first international journal based in Germany for scholarship in the fields of Fan, Audience, Media, and Cultural (Data) Studies. With its different formats – ranging from full papers to reviews, conference reports, and data papers – the journal fosters academic discussion across these disciplines, especially regarding methodological questions: Each issue will consist of double-blind peer-reviewed full papers, alongside with an editorially reviewed section consisting of data papers (data sets and complementary text), reviews, conference reports, and a „Method Lab“ section with shorter papers and interviews that provide insight into work-in-progress, methodological challenges, as well as best practices. Other creative format suggestions are also welcome. Furthermore, we invite themed guest sections for every issue.
Cultural interaction and participation in their myriad forms – from critical and affirmative audience responses to civic engagement and consumer activism – have become highly mediatised phenomena taking place in both analogue and digital spheres. Accordingly, doing research in the fields of Participation and Fan Studies requires a sensibility for media-specific contexts and a diverse set of methodological tools adapted to them. It also benefits a lot from interdisciplinary cooperation and discourse. The journal aims to foster synergies between all disciplines interested in fan phenomena, e.g., Media and Communication Studies, Sociology, and Digital Humanities among others, and invites contributions focusing on a wide range of fan cultural and civic practices, mainstream as well as niche identities and media. It is especially interested in digital platforms and infrastructures as frameworks for a diverse range of cultural practices and as a home to many fan, brand, and other communities.
Fandom | Cultures | Research is an openly accessible, bilingual online journal (English/German), published via the open access repository media/rep/ aiming to establish an innovative platform to further develop the understanding of situated cultural practice and ultimately, to negotiate the methodological foundations of their investigation. Continue reading

Tagung: Körper – Geschlecht – Gender. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, 14.11.2024, Magdeburg

13. Landesweiter Tag der Genderforschung in Sachsen-Anhalt (Web)

Zeit: 14.11.2024
Ort: Magdeburg

In unserer Gegenwart spielen Körperdiskurse und der Körper selbst eine immense Rolle. Körper begegnen uns täglich in ihren Facetten von Gestaltbarkeit, Verfügbarkeit, Normierung, als zugerichtete, präsentierte oder stigmatisierte Körper und werden so zum Seismographen für gesellschaftlich akzeptierte oder abgelehnte Praktiken. Auch wissenschaftlich ist der Körper in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten in den Fokus des Interesses gelangt (somatic turn oder body turn), wobei auch Gender- und Diversitätsdimensionen zunehmend in den Blick geraten und im Kontext intersektionaler Zugänge gedacht und verhandelt werden. Die engen Verflechtungen und Interdependenzen zwischen Körper, Geschlecht und Gender kann man auch daran ablesen, dass gesellschaftspolitische Debatten um Feminismus, Gleichstellung und Diversität ganz essenziell von der Ebene des Körperlichen bestimmt werden.
Der 13. Landesweite Tag in Sachsen-Anhalt verortet sich daher an der Schnittstelle von Körperdiskursen und Genderforschung, indem er die komplexen Zusammenhänge zwischen Körper, Geschlecht und Gender interdisziplinär aufgreift, aktuelle Forschungen präsentiert und Akteur:innen vernetzt. Es wird spannende Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen geben, die ein breites Themenspektrum abdecken von Geschlechterkonflikten als Körperkonflikte über queersensible Geburtshilfe, Aspekte von Menstruationsgesundheit und -aktivismus bis hin zur Problematik der (De)-Thematisierung von Körperlichkeit des weiblichen homo academicus im männlich geprägten Ort „Hochschule“. Im Rahmen der Tagung zudem wird der Förderpreis für Abschluss- und Qualifikationsarbeiten mit Genderschwerpunkt verliehen, den das Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt und die Koordinierungsstelle Genderforschung & Chancengleichheit Sachsen-Anhalt gemeinsam vergeben.


10.00 Uhr Begrüßung, Einleitung & Grußworte: Ute Seeland, Otto-von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg

10.30 Uhr Verleihung des Förderpreises für Abschluss- und Qualifikationsarbeiten: Petra Grimm-Benne / Ministerin für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt | Vorstellung der Preisträger:innen

11.45 Uhr Geschlechterkonflikte als Körperkonflikte: Sarah Sandelbaum, Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt Continue reading

Online Seminar: Renée Winter: Video as Technology of the Self. Uses of video in psychiatry, activism, and the home, 13.11.2024, virtual space

EMHIS Lunch Webinar Series: Entangled Media Histories – Online Seminar (Web)

Time: 13.11.2024, 12.00-13.00 Uhr
Venue: virtual space

In the talk Renée Winter explores her research into different uses of video on magnetic tape to work on, change, and improve the self from the 1960s to the 2000s. By looking at different fields of implementation of video technology – psychiatry, activism, and the home – Winter focuses on the emergence, transformation, and transfer of media practices directed at the self.
The research is carried out in the context of the project currently being finalized at the Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna: „Video as Technology of the Self: Self-confrontation, Self-empowerment and Auto/biographical practices“ funded by Austrian Science Fund FWF: V633 (Web).

Request Zoom link from: Marie Cronqvist: or Alec Badenoch:

Source: Newsletter des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte

Vortrag: Isabel Heinemann: Nach dem Krieg: Aushandlungsprozesse um Gewalt, Geschlecht und Gesellschaft in BRD und DDR, 11.11.2024, virtueller Raum

Research network „Military, War, and Gender/Diversity“; Karen Hagemann (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Isabelle Deflers, and Anke Fischer-Kattner (Univ. of the Bundeswehr Munich) (Web)

Time: 11.11.2024
Venue: virtual space

The international research network „Military, War, and Gender/Diversity“ continues its online research colloquium in the winter semester. A lineup of distinguished speakers will be presenting their work, continuing the overview of „Military, War and Gender/Diversity: State of Research and Research Problems“. The online colloquium of the network is based at the Univ. of the Bundeswehr Munich. It aims to promote the networking of researchers and to create a cross-border virtual space for regular intellectual exchange on this research topic. Advanced doctoral students will be invited as speakers and co-discussants, as well as experienced national and international experts.


Mo., 11.11.2024, 4-6 pm (CET)
Isabel Heinemann (Bayreuth): Nach dem Krieg: Aushandlungsprozesse um Gewalt, Geschlecht und Gesellschaft in BRD und DDR
Moderation: Claudia Kemper (Münster)

Mo., 02.12.2024, 4-6 pm (CET)
Benno Gammerl (Florence): Queering Military History?
Moderation: Christa Hämmerle (Vienna)

Mo., 17.02.2025, 4-6 pm (CET)
Eva Herschinger (Munich): Male, Female, Radicalized? The Interplay of Gender, Radicalization and Terrorism
Moderation: Friederike Hartung (Bundeswehr Center for Military History and Social Sciences) Continue reading

Tagung: Geschlechterkulturen und Krieg, 14.-15.11.2024, Gießen

Working Group Diversity, Center for Diversity, Media, and Law (DiML) (Web)

Zeit: 14.-15.11.2024
Ort: Justus-Liebig-Univ. Gießen

Programm (Web)

Panels: Literarisch-mediale Thematisierungen von Geschlecht und Krieg | Erinnerungskulturen und Geschlecht | Wandel von Geschlechterkulturen durch Kriegswirtschaft? | Umkämpft: Konstruktionen von Männlichkeit und Queerness im Krieg

Keynote: Claudia Kemper (Münster): Bipolar, eindeutig, aufgelöst oder ambivalent? Geschlechterordnungen zwischen Friedensidyllen und War Porn

Kriege erschüttern seit jeher Gesellschaften. Geschlechterkulturen werden dabei zugleich aufgebrochen oder gefestigt. Dies materialisiert sich in kulturellen Artefakten. Möglichkeiten und Räume geschlechtsbezogener Positionierungen von Kulturschaffenden öffnen oder schließen sich. Kriege werden oft als Ausnahmezustand betrachtet, sind jedoch einerseits für viele Menschen lang anhaltende Lebensrealität und andererseits als permanente Möglichkeit präsent. „Der andauernde Kriegszustand in der Welt“ führt, so Mieke Bal, dazu, „dass Kultur nicht analysiert werden kann, ohne diesen Zustand einzubeziehen“ (2016, 176). Daher gilt es, auch geschlechterkulturelle Veränderungen nicht ohne Krieg zu analysieren. Geschlechterkulturen – verstanden als gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse basierend auf Konstruktionen von Geschlecht, Geschlechternormen und -hierarchien und damit verbundenen Lebens- und Teilhabechancen – sind dabei nicht als starre Gebilde zu sehen. Vielmehr handelt es sich um variable Konfigurationen, die stets umkämpft sind. Im Krieg scheinen Geschlechterkulturen durch eine Gleichzeitigkeit von gegenläufigen Tendenzen bestimmt zu sein: Einerseits verfestigen sich vorherrschende Geschlechterordnungen, andererseits können sich neue Handlungsmöglichkeiten und -räume eröffnen, um Geschlechterkonstrukte aufzubrechen. Continue reading

Ringvorlesung: Körper und Geschlecht in interdisziplinärer Perspektive, 10/2024-02/2025, virtueller Raum

Büro für Gleichstellung und Familie, Otto-von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg, Mareike Fingerhut-Säck und Bettina Hitzer (Web)

Zeit: 10/2024-02/2025, montags 13:15-14:45 Uhr
Ort: virtueller Raum

In unserer Gegenwart spielen Körperdiskurse und der Körper eine immense Rolle. Sie begegnen uns täglich in ihren Facetten von Gestaltbarkeit, Verfügbarkeit, Normierung, als zugerichtete, präsentierte oder stigmatisierte Körper und werden so zum Seismographen für gesellschaftlich akzeptierte oder abgelehnte Praktiken. Auch wissenschaftlich ist der Körper in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zunehmend in den Fokus des Interesses gelangt (somatic turn oder body turn), wobei auch Gender- und Diversitätsdimensionen zunehmend in den Blick geraten und im Kontext intersektionaler Zugänge gedacht und verhandelt werden. An dieser Schnittstelle von Körperdiskursen und Geschlechterforschung verortet sich die Ringvorlesung, indem sie ein breites Themenspektrum zu den vielfältigen Verflechtungen und Interdependenzen von Körper und Geschlecht interdisziplinär aufgreift. Ziel ist es, die Geschlechterforschung und ihre Relevanz in verschiedenen Disziplinen sichtbarer zu machen, zu fördern und damit einen lebendigen wissenschaftlichen Austausch mitzugestalten wie auch generell Wissenstransfer zu den einzelnen Themenfeldern zu gewährleisten.

Nächste Vorträge (PDF)

Eva Labouvie (Magdeburg): Körperwissen und Körperkonzepte im Wandel. Zur Neuschöpfung des menschlichen Körpers von der Vormoderne zur Moderne

Ann Kristin Augst (Dortmund): Queere Körperlichkeiten: Geschlecht im Spannungsfeld von pluralisierten Normen und Wissen

Paula Dahl (Hamburg): Weibliche Körper als Politikum. Eine historische Perspektive auf Schwangerschaftsabbrüche und die Debatten darum

Gundula Ludwig (Innsbruck): Körper, staatliche Macht und politische Ordnung. Körperpolitiken in Geschichte und Gegenwart Continue reading

CfP: Servants’ networks and relationships: within and beyond the country house (Event, 01/2025, Uppsala); by: 18.11.2024

The „Hidden lives: domestic servants in the European country house, c.1700-1850“-Network (Web); Jon Stobart, Manchester Metropolitan Univ. and Göran Ulväng, Uppsala Univ.

Time: 21.01.2025
Venue: Uppsala
Proposals by: 18.11.2024

Country house servants were seldom socially or spatially isolated: they were bound into familial and social networks within the country house, in its surrounding communities and even nationally/internationally. This workshop will bring together researchers from a range of European countries to examine how servants’ social and familial networks offered opportunities and systems of support, for example, in terms of recruitment and mobility. It will also explore how networks and relationships within the country house (both with their employer and other servants) were structured by hierarchy, gender and role within the house, but also by legal regulations and constraints. Overall, we seek to further our understanding of the significance of servants’ networks in shaping their lives and in offering a deeper understanding of the country house as a lived space.
The organisers invite papers on any aspect of servants’ networks and relationships, but especially encourage contributions that focus on:
– how servants’ networks changed over the longue durée
– the role of familial networks in the recruitment of servants
– servants’ relationships with their employers
– servant networks and hierarchies within country house
– geographical or social-network approaches to servants’ networks
– the impact of service in the country house on social status

Funds are available to help defray travel costs, with priority given to ECRs. Overnight accommodation will be provided by the organisers. Proposals of c.300 words, a short biography, and an estimate of travel costs to Uppsala should be sent to Jon Stobart ( and Göran Ulväng ( by 18th November 2024.

The network (Web)
This AHRC-funded network „Hidden lives: domestic servants in the European country house, c.1700-1850“ brings together heritage professionals and researchers from a range of disciplines and countries to share research on the lives of servants in country houses across Europe: a surprisingly neglected area that has Continue reading

Workshop: International Networks of Women’s Activism and Mobility in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Successor States 1848–1945, 11.-12.11.2024, Vienna

Institut für Ungarische Geschichtsforschung in Wien; Collegium Hungaricum (Web)

Time: 11.-12.11.2024
Venue: Collegium Hungaricum Wien, Hollandstr. 4, 1020 Vienna
Registation by: 08.11.2024

Programme (PDF)

Keynotes: by Johanna Gehmacher and Judith Szapor


Women’s Movements and Activists in the Habsburg Period. Continuities and Ruptures in International Networks in the Habsburg and Post-Habsburg Periods

  • with Chiara Paris, Dóra Fedeles-Czeferner, Agatha Schwartz, and Peter Becker

Women Activists, Organizations, and Networks in Minority or Stateless position

  • with Julia Bavouzet, Isidora Grubački, Alla Shvets, Alexandra Ghiţ, and Beáta Márkus

The Role of Press and Translation in Women’s Movements

  • with Marián Gladiš, Marta Verginella-Urška Strle, Žarka Svirčev, and Zsófia Lóránd

Alternative Networks: Peace Activists, Socialists, Psychoanalysts

  • with Peter Moser, Lea Horvat, Lea Horvat, Anna Borgos, Lydia Jammernegg, Christa Hämmerle, Ingrid Sharp, Therese Garstenauer, Clara Anna Egger, and Gergely Romsics

Concluding discussion and Closing reflections

  • with Ingrid Sharp, Iván Bertényi Jr., and Dóra Fedeles-Czeferner

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