EMHIS Lunch Webinar Series: Entangled Media Histories – Online Seminar (Web)
Time: 13.11.2024, 12.00-13.00 Uhr
Venue: virtual space
In the talk Renée Winter explores her research into different uses of video on magnetic tape to work on, change, and improve the self from the 1960s to the 2000s. By looking at different fields of implementation of video technology – psychiatry, activism, and the home – Winter focuses on the emergence, transformation, and transfer of media practices directed at the self.
The research is carried out in the context of the project currently being finalized at the Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna: „Video as Technology of the Self: Self-confrontation, Self-empowerment and Auto/biographical practices“ funded by Austrian Science Fund FWF: V633 (Web).
Request Zoom link from: Marie Cronqvist: marie.cronqvist@liu.se or Alec Badenoch: A.W.Badenoch@uu.nl
Source: Newsletter des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte