Category Archives: Category_Events

UNVERSCHÄMT! Thementage gegen sexistische Rollenzuschreibungen und für körperliche Selbstbestimmung von Frauen*, Mädchen* und Queers, 18.-19.03.2022, Wien

Bezirksmuseum Josefstadt; Maria Ettl (Museum), Anna Jungmayr (Projektleitung), Alina Strmljan, Corinna Beran und Olivia Schlatzer (Web)
Zeit: 18.-19.03.2022; 30.03.2022
Ort: Bezirksmuseum Josefstadt, Schmidg. 18, 1080 Wien
Im Bezirksmuseum Josefstadt ist noch bis 30. März 2022 die Ausstellung „…Vor Schand und Noth gerettet«?! Findelhaus, Gebäranstalt und die Matriken der Alser Vorstadt“ zu sehen. Sie beschäftigt sich mit (fehlender) körperlicher und sexueller Selbstbestimmung von Frauen ab dem 18. Jhd. und endet mit einer Übersicht aktueller feministischer Organisationen, die sich für reproduktive Gerechtigkeit einsetzen.
Anschließend an diese Themen findet ein umfangreiches Veranstaltungsprogramm statt, das sich mit den Themen Stigmatisierung und „Scham“ aus historischer und aktueller feministischer Perspektive auseinandersetzt, neue Geschichte schreibt und mehr Unverschämtheiten wagt.

  • Ausführliches Programm und Anmeldung (Web)
  • Programm-Überblick (als PDF)


  • 14:00 Uhr: Unter anderen Umständen – Frauen*Spaziergang mit Petra Unger (Web)
  • 18:00 Uhr: Fakten, Feelings, Feminismus – Das unverschämte Quiz (Web)


  • 11:00 Uhr: Seit mehr als 111 Jahren – Stadterkundung mit Alina Strmljan und Anna Jungmayr (Web)
  • 14:30 Uhr: Her*Story – Das exklusive Ausstellungserlebnis (Web)
  •  17:00 Uhr: Poetry Slam Workshop (für FLINTA*) mit MYLF – Yasmo und Mieze Medusa (Web)
  • 20:00 Uhr: Poetry Slam Show mit MYLF (Web)

Finissage »…Vor Schand und Noth gerettet«?!
Zeit: 30.03.2022 Continue reading

Buchpräsentation: Maria Hofstätter, Meinrad Ziegler, Katrin Auer und Martina Gugglberger: „Akteineinsicht: Marie Jahoda in Haft“, 07.03.2022, Steyr

Jahoda-Edition; Band 4 „Akteneinsicht: Marie Jahoda in Haft!“ (Web)
Zeit: 07.03.2022, 19.30 Uhr
Ort: Museum Arbeitswelt, Wehrgrabengasse 7, 4400 Steyr
»Akteneinsicht. Marie Jahoda in Haft« ist der 4. Band der Marie Jahoda-Edition (Web). In dieser Neuerscheinung begegnet uns die Sozialpsychologin Marie Jahoda (1907–2001) nicht als Sozialforscherin, sondern als politische Aktivistin. Ihre Haltung: „Den Tatbestand leugnen, nicht aber die Gesinnung.“
Im November 1936 wurde Marie Jahoda von der Polizei der Dollfuß-Schuschnigg-Diktatur verhaftet und monatelang verhört. Sie wurde verdächtigt, einer der führenden Köpfe der Revolutionären Sozialisten, der illegalen Organisation der Sozialdemokratie, zu sein und die Diktatur des Dollfuß-Schuschnigg-Regimes bekämpft zu haben. Sie saß 1936/37 neun Monate in Haft. Bei den Verhören und vor Gericht hielt sich Jahoda strikt an eine Regel der konspirativen Untergrundarbeit: „Gib nur zu, was nicht mehr bestritten werden kann, und belaste andere nicht.“
Programm (als PDF)

  • Lesung von Maria Hofstätter (Schauspielerin) von Auszüg aus den Gerichtsakten
  • Erläuterungen von Meinrad Ziegler (Soziologe, Buchautor)
  • Podiumsgespräch mit Katrin Auer (Stadträtin, Historikerin) und Martina Gugglberger (Historikerin, JKU Linz) zur Bedeutung der Sozialforscherin und Widerstandskämpferin im Kontext des Internationalen Frauentags
  • Die Veranstaltung wird moderiert von Georg Hubmann (Sozialwissenschaftler, Leiter des Jahoda-Bauer-Instituts)

Maria Hofstätter tritt neben ihrer Arbeit am Theater und im Fernsehen (»Braunschlag«) seit mehr als 20 Jahren in Ulrich Seidls sozialkritischen Filmen auf. 2014 erhielt sie den Österreichischen Filmpreis als „beste Darstellerin“ für ihre Rolle in »Paradies: Glaube«.
Anmeldung unter oder +43 7252 775510

Seminar: Claudia Roesch and Jennifer Nelson: The Translations of Our Bodies, Ourselves: Comparing Feminist Self-help Handbooks in the 1970s West Germany and the United States, 15.03.2022, Boston and virtual space

The History of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Seminar (Web)

Time: 15.03.2022, 5:15 PM (NY-time)/23:15 Uhr in Europe
Venue: Boston and virtual space

This paper investigates the transnational history of the feminist self-help handbook Our Bodies, Ourselves in the 1970s and 1980s. It follows sociologist Kathy Davis’s approach of investigating feminism as an epistemological project and examines from a history of knowledge perspective how concepts of feminist self-help travelled across the Atlantic.
By taking the chapters on birth control as case studies, this paper will compare the German adaptions and translations of Our Bodies, Ourselves to the American versions and examine how different themes evolved regarding the handbooks’ position towards scientific knowledge, physicians as experts and the pharmaceutical industry.

  • Author: Claudia Roesch, German Historical Institute (Web)
  • Comment: Jennifer Nelson, University of Redlands

This semiar is a hybrid event, and you can choose to attend online or in-person at the MHS. The virtual program will be hosted on the video conference platform Zoom. Link to the registration online or in person (Web). Registrants will receive a confirmation message with attendance information.
The History of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Seminar-Series (Web)
The History of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Seminar-series ist hosted by the Massachusetts Historical Society.
It invites you to join the conversation. The seminar brings together a diverse group of scholars and interested members of the public to workshop pre-circulated papers. After brief remarks from the author and an assigned commentator, the discussion is opened to the floor. All are encouraged to ask questions, provide feedback on the circulated essay, and discuss the topic at hand. The session is free and open to everyone.

Source: H-Net Notifications

Conference: Social Change in a Feminist Perspective: Situating Gender Research in Times of Political Contention (ATGENDER-Conference 2022), 15.-18.06.2022, Milano

ATGENDER. The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation (Web)
Time: 15.-18.06.2022
Venue: University of Milano-Bicocca
The contribution of feminist, transfeminist and lgbtqia+ reflections – thanks to their intersectional perspective – is capable to enrich and invest the central themes of social transformations, offering spaces for new alliances in cultural and political struggles. Additionally, social change is a complex enterprise that can be approached only through a multidisciplinary and intersectional prism, and feminisms teach us precisely how to combine different approaches, methodologies and practices to understand such complexity and to produce change.
The current pandemic crisis is bringing to light the unsustainable and deadly contradictions of the socio-economic and environmental system in which we live, both at the global and at the local level. Around us we see polarized responses: heightened individualism, a refuge in populisms, new policies of control of bodies, borders and territories, attacks on rights and delegitimization of social justice demands, backlash in the cultural and social ? but also self-organized solidarity and mutualism from below, and a widespread rethinking of existential and collective priorities. In this situation, which responses can be advanced from feminist and intersectional standpoints?
An active investigation on what spaces / relations / canons we build, how we inhabit them, which relationships these spaces/relations/canons embodied is a vital question that flows over the threads of time. Against this background, the need to call into question the gaze through which we acknowledge social change becomes an imperative. Read more … (Web)
The ATGENDER-Network
ATGENDER is a association for academics, practitioners, activists and institutions in the field of Women’s, Gender, Transgender, Sexuality, and Queer studies, feminist research, women’s, sexual and LGBTQI rights, equality, and diversity. Read more … (Web).
The „Teaching with Gender“-Book Series

Since 2009, ATGENDER has published the book series „Teaching with Gender. European Women’s Studies in International and Interdisciplinary Classrooms“ in cooperation with Routledge. Read more … (Web).

Lecture: Linda Erker: The Austro-Chilean scholar Grete Mostny. How a white young woman changed Chile’s National Historiography after her flight from the NS in 1938/39, 25.02.2022, virtual space

Grupo de Historia de la Ciencia, Institució Milà i Fontanals (CSIC, Barcelona) (Web)
Time: 25.02.2022, 12.00 Uhr
Venue: virtual space, via Barcelona (hybrid)
Forced migration as a reaction to National Socialism represents individual as well as simultaneously collective, transnational, and global experiences. Not only identity-forming categories but also forms of knowledge are profoundly reshaped by processes of displacement and resettlement. The talk argues that the biography of the archaeologist Grete Mostny (1914–1991) offers an exemplary case study of such processes of adaptation on individual, collective, and academic levels.
Due to her escape from Austria to Chile as a persecuted Jew in 1938/39, Mostny’s identity as a white European female scholar attained a whole new significance and became – based on her talent and ambitions – the door opener for her interdisciplinary career at the interface of archaeology and anthropology in her new homeland. When Mostny arrived in Chile, a new European and US hegemony had already begun to dominate academia in the country, which was trying to modernize itself and move from the academic periphery closer to the centre. Mostny, the once ‚racially‘ discriminated scholar, fit well in this process by making use of her ‚European‘ knowledge and her networks. This paper uses Mostny’s career as a lens through which to detect connected histories and entangled hegemonies in Chilean society, especially in academia. Moreover, it elaborates on the importance of certain sociological factors to be able to establish oneself (again) as a scholar in exile. Thereby Linda Erker will show that the categories of race and ethnicity played a central role in the field of knowledge production and for career developments 12.000 kilometers far away from home.
Linda Erker is a historian of the 20th century at th e Department of Contemporary History at the University of Vienna. In her current project she is researching the migration of scholars from Austria to Latin America between 1930 un d 1970 (especially to Argentina and Chile). Her doctoral thesis focused on a historical comparison between the Austrofascist regime (1933-1938) and early Franquism (1939-1945) from the perspective of the development of Continue reading

Conference: Conflicts over Women’s and Gender Rights: Ambivalences and Contradictions, 10.-12.03.2022, virtueller Raum

Research Group Global Contestations of Women’s and Gender Rights: Alexandra Scheele, Julia Roth, and Heidemarie Winkel (Bielefeld Univ.) (Web)
Time: 10.-12.03.2022
Venue: virtueller Raum, via Bielefeld
In the academic year 2020/21, Alexandra Scheele, Julia Roth and Heidemarie Winkel together with more than 20 fellows from different disciplinary backgrounds analyzed the specific mechanisms and patterns of contestations over women’s and gender rights in diverse contexts across the globe. This included a theoretical reconsideration of the causes and structures of gender inequality, such as global capitalism, neoliberalism, nationalisms, authoritarian states or fundamentalist religions, and the reconceptualization of notions of equality in selected contexts and empirically-based reconfiguration of struggles for women’s and gender rights. That way, the inherent contentious nature of equality rights and the development of equality principles as a globally contested terrain came into view – taking the division of labor, citizenship and religion as empirical arenas.
In the closing conference, the group wants to take a closer look at the central patterns and common – unifying – elements in the conflicts over gender rights, in order to better understand the mechanisms of contestation. Most notably, to address the ambivalences, contradictions and tensions between what has been achieved in the struggles for equality on the one hand and the current backlashes and attacks on the other hand. Read more … (Web)

  • Ambivalences and contradictions in illiberal, authoritarian and populist contexts and ideological settings
  • Reconsidering gender ideologies and gender myths
  • Ambivalences and contradictions in neo-liberal contexts
  • Freedom, Equality, Neo-Liberalism? The role of gender inequalities and ideologies
  • Fundamentalist-authoritarian continuities
  • Queer/Feminist Contestations I: Unruly practices
  • Queer/Feminist Contestations II: Organized solidarities & institutionalized representation/contestations

Quelle: Hsozukult

Tagung: Sozioökonomie der Sexualitäten: 3. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Sexualitäten in der Geschichte, 29.-30.04.2022, Wien

Arbeitskreis Sexualitäten in der Geschichte (AKSG): Sebastian Bischoff (Paderborn), Franz X. Eder, Nora Lehner u.a. (Wien), Julia König (Mainz) und Dagmar Lieske (Frankfurt a.M.) (Web)

Ort: Universität Wien
Zeit: 29.-30.04.2022

Der Begriff der Sozioökonomie lenkt den Blick auf zwei in der internationalen Sexualitätengeschichte nach wie vor vernachlässigte Themenfelder: das Soziale und das Ökonomische. Der Begriff kann in „beide Richtungen“ gelesen werden und betont die vielfältigen Interaktionen von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft und ihre Bedeutung für das Feld der Sexualitäten.

Programm: (PDF) | (Web: Hsozukult )


      • Sexualität, Biopolitik und Ökonomie
      • Sexuelle Arbeit und Handel mit Sex
      • Politisierung der Sexuellen Arbeit
      • Sexualität, Macht/Gewalt und ‚Kapitalien‘
      • Sex-Shopping
      • Pornographie: Diskurs und Ökonomie

Keynote-Vortrag: Katerina Lišková: Women as sexual beings in state socialism. How the state interest in reproduction translated into research on the female orgasm and how the pro-family policies fueled divorce

Seit den sittengeschichtlichen Werken des späten 19. Jhds. interessieren sich Sexualitätshistoriker*innen vor allem für die Kultur des Sexuellen und für dessen politische Disziplinierung, Modellierung und Hervorbringung. Dementsprechend elaboriert gestaltet sich der Forschungsstand, wenn es um sexuelle (Be-)Deutungen, Normen und Sinngebungen sowie um Konstruktionen, Wissensbestände und Diskurse von bzw. über Sexualität/en geht. Sexuelle Skripts, Rollen, Identitäten, Ideologien und Mythologien werden genauso in den Fokus gekommen wie politische Sexualregime, der Wandel von Rechtsnormen und die Gouvernementalität des Sexuellen.
Mit der 3. Jahrestagung des AKSG möchten die Veranstalter*innen das Interesse auf Continue reading

Workshop: Heroic Masculinities – Intersectional Perspectives, 24.-25.02.2022, virtual space

University of Freiburg, Collaborative Research Centre „Heroes – Heroizations – Heroisms“; Joachim Grage and Vera Marstaller (Web)
Zeit: 24.-25.02.2022
Venue: virtual space, via Freiburg
Registration by: 20.02.2022
The workshop will address the role of masculinity in processes of heroization. It will examine to what extent characteristics such as age, race, social origin, sexual orientation, denomination and (dis)ability determine who can or cannot be heroized in different cultural contexts.
Our ideas of the heroic have an impact on our understanding of masculinity. The ideas of masculinity that are transported and conveyed through the heroic significantly shape the relationship between the sexes. An intersectional perspective shows that ideas of masculinity also have hierarchizing effects. Intersectionality describes the interplay of different social processes of inclusion and exclusion.
Based on the thesis that heroic masculinity represents an ideal that only few can achieve, but which also has an impact on those who do not live up to it, this workshop will explore the intersectional interplay and relations between heroism and masculinity. The international participants will discuss the role of masculinity in processes of heroization and examine to what extent characteristics such as age, race, social origin, sexual orientation, denomination and (dis)ability determine who can or cannot be heroized in different cultural contexts.

  • HIV and its Consequences
  • Class and Celebrity
  • Catholicism and Race
  • Homosexuality and Gender
  • Ethnicity and Agency
  • Guided Tour of Queer Freiburg (in German)

Read more and source … (Web)
Registration via e-mail by February 20, 2022 to:; Contact person: Antonia Wind. You will receive the access data for the online event in good time by mail.

Tagung: Die Lebensreform: Neue Themen und Perspektiven, 04.-05.03.2022, virtueller Raum

Departement für Zeitgeschichte, Universität Fribourg; Stefan Rindlisbacher (Web)
Zeit: 04.-05.03.2022
Ort: virtueller Raum, via Fribourg
Die Tagung wird erstens die Lebensreformbewegung aus einer transnationalen Perspektive untersuchen, indem sie grenzübergreifende Kontakte, Netzwerke und kulturelle Transfers in den Fokus rückt. Weil sich lebensreformerische Akteure dabei intensiv im kolonialen Raum bewegten, werden zweitens auch die Verknüpfungen der Lebensreform mit kolonialistischen Diskursen geprüft.
Drittens wird die Tagung die Verbindung lebensreformerischer Akteure mit sexualreformerischen Bestrebungen thematisieren und damit an aktuelle Debatten über sexualisierten Missbrauch in sozialen Bewegungen und reformpädagogischen Institutionen anknüpfen. Viertens werden alternative Naturvorstellungen und Gesundheitspraktiken analysiert und historisiert, die sich aktuell im Umfeld der Corona-Proteste und bei Impfgegner:innen ausbreiten.
In den vier Panels werden neue Ansätze und Methoden in der Erforschung der Geschichte der Lebensreform vorgestellt und diskutiert.

  • Transfer und Verflechtung
  • Gender, Sexualitäten und Missbrauch
  • Kolonialismus und postkoloniale Perspektive
  • Pandemie, Protest und Gesundheitspolitik

Weiterlesen  … (Web)
Die Tagung steht allen Interessierten offen. Anmeldung an

The Gender and Transformation in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia Workshop: Spring 2022 series, 01-05.2022, virtual space

The Gender and Transformation in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia Workshop, via CUNY Graduate Center European Union Studies Center (Web)
Time: on Fridays 2-3 pm (New York Time)
Venue: via Zoom, via New York City
The Gender and Transformation Workshop started in 1993 and its members have been women activists, academics, journalists, lawyers, and educators concerned about gender inequality in the newly non-Communist countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Members of the Network of East-West Women were some of the earliest participants and speakers. The goal is to provide a venue for those from the region and working in and about it, to be able to provide their most recent work, including on western Europe and Eurasia.
The programme of the Spring Series 2022
Details to follow at the website (Web).

  • Anja Vojvodic (CUNY LaGuardia Community Coll.): Failed Adoptions: International Norm Rejections and the Case of Gender Quotas


  • Masha Beketova (Humboldt Univ. in Berlin): Queer/kvir post-Soviet Diaspora in Germany; Discussant: Alexandra Novitskaya (SUNY Stony Brook)

29.04.2022: Special session on Ukraine

  • Oleksandra Tarkhanova (Univ. of St. Gallen): Shades of Protracted Displacement: Reconciling citizenship and the status of internally displaced in Eastern Ukraine
  • Olga Sasunkevich (Univ. of Gothenburg): Building transnational feminist solidarities in the times of war: Women’s Dialogue for Peace in Donbas


  • Yanara Schmacks (CUNY Graduate Center): The socialist mother beyond the ‘working mom’: Motherhood in GDR women’s literature and activism Continue reading