IV Annual Conference on the New Materialisms
Time: 16-17 May 2013
Veneu: School of History, Culture and Arts Studies, University of Turku, Finland
New materialist approaches are increasingly announced, articulated, exercised and contested across a gamut of often entwining research fields from art theory, media studies and feminist philosophy to sociology, gender and sexuality research, and science and environmental studies. In addition to the cross-evolving discussions in these areas, there is growing need to consider the connections but also specificity of new materialisms in relation to many contemporaneous intellectual developments, such as new forms of realism or post-human(ist) thought. Given these conditions, the fourth international conference on the new materialisms suggests that it is crucial to steer clear of “a manifesto quality” when arguing for the distinctiveness and cutting-edge relevance of new materialist approaches, a risk perceptively noted by Barbara Bolt (2013). … Read more (Web)
Monthly Archives: März 2013
CfP: Language, Nature, Power (Material conversations Conference, 05/2013, Vaasa); DL: 08.03.2013
Veneu: Åbo Akademi University, Department of Social Sciences
Time: May 15 th, 2013
Deadline: 08.03.2013
„What happens if Nature is neither lacking nor primordial, but rather, a plenitude of possibilities, a cacophony of convers(at)ion?“ (Vicki Kirby 2011: 88)
The ways in which women, the feminine, and the racialized others are conflated with Nature and reduced to the body have been effectively challenged by arguing that what one understands as nature is always re-presented and mediated by culture. While the value of these vigilant contestations is indisputable, the logics and denigrating mechanisms may be left intact which render nature as separate/distinct from and inferior to culture. In this workshop we ask which new avenues of exploration are opened up when we take into consideration the possibility that nature is not separate and different from culture, but instead understood as complex, intelligent, communicative and political. Read more (Web)
CfP: “Queeristan 2013”. Festival-Workshops, -Performances, etc (Event: 05-06/2013, Amsterdam); DL: 31.03.2013
Venue: Amsterdam
Time: May 31 – June 2, 2013
Deadline: March 31, 2013
Years of testing the government-sponsored drug Homonormativity® and its cheaper derivative Homonationalism® in the Netherlands are fucking up our brains. The manipulation of gay rights has made it possible to actively support blatantly racist, classist, sexist and xenophobic policies. We need to wake up from this artificially-induced coma.
Let’s abandon sexuality as a personal identity that just defines a lifestyle. We are angry, we are pissed off, dissatisfied, indignados. So Queeristan is making its come back in 2013 to concoct antidotes to all this poison, to engage and strengthen our community. Each one of you is invited to send in a proposal for a workshop, performance, artwork and anything in-between or inside-out. Continue reading
Call for Participation: Festival: Beyond western queer_feminism, 6-9 June 2013, Vienna
Transregionales queer_feministisches Festival: Beyond western queer_feminism – English version below –
Nächstes Treffen: 6. März 2013, 18.00 Uhr
Ort: Referat Genderforschung, Campus Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 1.11
Das, was im deutschsprachigen Raum unter (Queer_)Feminismus und Feminismen verstanden wird, sind Konzepte, die oft für sich beanspruchen, die einzig „Richtigen“ und „Gültigen“ zu sein. So werden queer 1)_feministische Initiativen, Aktionen und Gruppen aus „Ost-“ und „Südosteuropa“ häufig nur dann wahrgenommen und anerkannt, wenn sie bestimmten westlichen Vorstellungen davon entsprechen, wie (Queer_)Feminismus ‘auszusehen hat’. Im Zuge der westeuropäischen Rezeption von queeren, queer-feministischen und feministischen Zugängen aus „dem Osten“ lässt sich … Weiterlesen (Web)