Forschungsplattform GAIN – Gender: Ambivalent In_Visibilities: GAIN Gender & Agency Lecture (Web)
Time: 10.12.2020, 18.00 Uhr
Venue: virtual space, via Vienna
Verleihung der GAIN Gender & Agency Forschungspreise 2020
- Ausgezeichnet werden die Masterarbeiten von Mina Fahimi, Stefanie Freitag, Linda Raule, Carmen Ruf, Elisabeth Salletmaier und Cornelia Schobert sowie die Dissertationen von Elisabeth Lechner und Maria Sagmeister
- Laudationes von Nikolaus Benke, Marlen Bidwell-Steiner und Birgit Sauer
GAIN Gender & Agency Lecture mit Mieke Verloo
The legacy of radical feminism has much to offer for current times. I see at least three major reasons. A first one is that gender equality policymaking continues to show large absences when it comes to core feminist issues that were put on the agenda by radical feminists (think abortion, family law, sexuality). Another one is that many issues stemming from that legacy are at the heart of anti-feminist opposition (think abortion, family law, motherhood, feminist education). And a last one is that many of these issues are among the most contested within feminism (think prostitution, pornography, surrogacy, motherhood). In combination, taking radical feminism seriously means we can work towards improving gender equality policies, unpack and maybe overcome feminist contestations, and be better prepared to face anti-feminist opposition.
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