Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Univ. Wien und Projekt „Vermögen als Medium der Herstellung von Verwandtschaftsräumen vom 16. bis zum 18. Jhd.“ (Web)
Zeit: Mi., 15.03.2023, 9–10.00 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum WISO, Universitätsring 1, Stiege 6, and virtual space
This is a microstudy about a table talk held in the Stube of a Tyrolean peasant in 1610 where he explained his will and pre-mortem planning to his kin. They did not like what they heard and what followed was a heated inheritance dispute after his death. This microstudy serves as a starting point for a social, economic, and legal study of a locality in southern Tyrol raising questions about given economic definitions. Janine Maegraith will take this opportunity to discuss with the participants her book structure and to present some results of one chapter, the ‚material world‘ of the protagonist.
- Kommentar: Juliane Schiel; Moderation: Kirsten Wandschneider
Janine Maegraith ist Research Associate am FWF-Projekt „Vermögen als Medium der Herstellung von Verwandtschaftsräumen vom 16. bis zum 18. Jhd.”, Projekt 1 FWF–P29394-G28 (2016-2020) und Projekt 2 FWF–P 33348-G28 (2020-2023) (Web)
Zoom-Link: | Meeting-ID: 64098660535 | Kenncode: 719953
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