Book Presentation „Creation of Sex? Gender?“, 14.06.08, Vienna

DISKURSIV proudly presents: Book Presentation „Creation of Sex? Gender?“ (presentation in English)
Zeit: Samstag, 14.6.08, 20h
Ort: Amerlinghaus, Galerie, Wien 1070, Stiftg. 8
AMIR HODŽiĆ will present the first english edition of the book „Creacija Spola? Roda?“ called „CREATION OF SEX? GENDER?“ a project from ŽENSKA SOBA (Women’s Room – Center for Sexual Rights), Zagreb.
„Creation of Sex? Gender?“ is a book about questions all around sex, gender and queerness: „Creation of Sex? Gender? questions creation and usage of terms sex and gender on social and individual levels in the fields of medicine, biology, legislation, education, language, politics, activism, human rights and history. We discuss sex and gender as identities and forms of personal expression, but also as social constructs, roles and norms, and as basis of classification, inequality and discrimination.“
J. Poštić, S. Durković and A.Hodžić (2008)
„Creation of Sex? Gender?“
Zagreb: Ženska Soba (Women’s Room)
Ženska Soba – Centra za žrtve seksualnog nasilja (Women’s Room – Center for Sexual Rights) is a feminist, non-governmental, non-profit organization in Zagreb, Croatia. For more information see
Amir Hodžić lives and works in Zagreb and in the region as a researcher, educator and activist in the fields of sex/gender, and sexual and reproductive health & rights.
Diskursiv – Verein zur Verqueerung gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhänge (diskursive – association to queer societal coherences) is a association to queer societal coherences with focus on language, power and discourse linked with antiracism, queer, migration and transinterqueer. Diskursive is founded by Vlatka Frketić and Persson Perry Baumgartinger. For more information, projects and events see

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