Conference/ITH: 1968 — A view of the protest movements 40 years after, from a global perspective, 11.-14.09.2008, Linz

44th Linz Conference: International Conference of Labour and Social History, ITH
September 11–14, 2008
Coordinator: Marcel van der Linden (Amsterdam)
Conceptual outline: „1968“ represents for us the worldwide social movements of the „rebellious decade“ from the mid-1960ies to the mid 1970ies which were characterized by a specific „youth“ mentality, culture and way of life. They thus produced an impact that went beyond class and social strata. The social composition of these social movements varied from place to place and from country to country. These social movements, which in some – in particular, non-European – countries took on the character of social revolts, were an international phenomenon. They were linked by networks, followed the example of similar movements or sometimes were just contemporaneous, coincident, but united by a related spirit. Protest and emancipatory movements sprang up in the metropolises of the capitalist world system, in the „socialist“ system and on the „three continents“ (Che Guevara). In this conference we want above all to focus on non-European experiences and put an emphasis upon transnational and transcontinental comparative analyses.
Program etc

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