CfP: Growing Up Active: Children, Youth, and Politicized Families (Event: „Big Berks“ 05/2014); DL: –

Berkshire Conference on Women’s History, Toronto, Canada, May 22-25, 2014, Website

Call for panelists from Tarah Brookfield: I am putting together a panel for the Berkshire Conference on Women’s History. I am looking for co-panelists who analyze experiences or representations of young people who engage with or accompany their parents in political activism. Possible panel themes include the effects of having children present during public forms of activism (i.e. strikes, protests or marches), the way gender norms may shift when the mother is the most predominant activist parent, and how children and youth find spaces to develop and express their personal political beliefs.

Panel proposals from scholars working in any time period or geographic setting are welcome. My own paper will analyze the experiences of Quaker and other pacifist families who were part of the Grindstone Cooperative, a non-violence training camp located on Grindstone Island in Ontario, Canada during the 1960s and 1970s.

Please contact me at if you are interested in collaborating on this panel.

Tarah Brookfield
Assistant Professor
History & Youth and Children Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University


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