CfP: Irishwomen, migration, the diaspora and foreign relations (Event: 04/2013, Limerick); DL: 24.03.2013

The Women’s History Association of Ireland’s annual conference

Venue: University of Limerick
Time: 26-27 April 2013
Deadline: 24th March 2013

The Women’s History Association of Ireland’s WHAI invites proposals for the 2013 annual conference that will address the themes of migration, diaspora and foreign relations. The conference will also have a dedicated postgraduate panel. Covering the period from the early modern to modern periods, several overarching themes are planned including the following: Internal migrations; Seasonal migration; Migration as exile/punishment; Social impact of migration on women; Impact of migration on sending communities; Impact on receiving communities; ‘Communities’ of Irish women overseas; Transnational cultural encounters; Political power of the migrant Irish woman; recording the e/immigrant voice; War and female migration/resettlement; Advocacy/campaigning groups of Irish women abroad; Immigration and foreign relations.

Paper proposals should be 500 words and be sent by 24th March to Dr.Bernadette Whelan, Department of History, University of Limerick at

Sorce: International Federation for Research in Women’s History/Federation Internationale pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes NEWSLETTER

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