CfP: Shifting to Post-Crisis Welfare States in Europe? Long Term and Short Term Perspectives (Event, 06/2013, Berlin); DL: 01.03.2013

Nordic Centre of Excellence Programme on Welfare Research funded by NordForsk, organized in collaboration between NordForsk and the two Centres of Excellence NordWel and REASSESS. Website
Venue: Berlin
Time: June 4 – 5, 2013
New extended dealine: March 1, 2013
Welfare states develop, change and adapt to changing circumstances. Long-term incremental transformations, short-term ruptures and crises have been intertwined in the making and changing of welfare states. Over the last five years welfare states have been hit by a severe financial crisis. Its effects are in various ways related to structural changes associated with globalization, immigration, generational structures, and old and new social risks. The financial crisis has demonstrated international interdependencies and made the problems concerning the democratic legitimacy of national welfare states and European integration visible. Read more (Web) …

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