CfP: Intercontinental Cross-Currents: Women’s (Net-)Works Across Europe and the Americas, 1776-1939 (Event: Wittenberg, 12/2013); DL: 15.06.2013

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Zentrum für USA-Studien (Web)

Zeit: 05.-07.12.2013
Ort: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Deadline: 15.06.2013

We invite abstracts from literary, historical and cultural studies perspectives focusing on the literal and metaphorical networks created and navigated by women from the American Revolution to the onset of the Second World War. We are interested in papers on a wide range of transatlantic themes, including the history of ideas, the migration of texts, identity formation, literary production and reception, feminism and emancipation, immigration, and social reform. How and in what forms did ideas, bodies, and texts travel across oceans and continents? How did women’s lives adapt and change as a result of such networks? What were the consequences of such intellectual and social engagements on the literary and socio-political milieus of these women? Which cooperative strategies enabled … weiterlesen und Quelle

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