Vorträge und Diskussion im Rahmen der Tagung „Erinnerung machen – Kunst, Forschung, Erinnerungs- und Geschichtspolitik“ (13. bis 15. Juni 2013) (Website mit Programm), im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts “MemScreen”
Zeit: 13.06.2013, 11.45-13.30 Uhr
Ort: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, Aktsaal
- Vorträge und Diskussion von Vida Bakondy (Historikerin, Wien) und Marianne Hirsch (Theoretikerin für visuelle Kultur, Columbia University) (Web)
The art-research conference “Doing Memory” examines proposals of artistic practices in the context of politics of memory and visual research, primarily in Israel and Austria. Artists and researchers will present case studies in order to observe together the way local politics of memory and history are represented, constructed, neglected and also interlinked with each other.
The conference will bring together researchers (historians, sociologists, visual anthropologists, museologists), theoreticians, artists as well as art based researchers and curators, who will present or comment on their work in a seminar style format (the “Art-Research-Dialogues”) in order to develop an understanding of what “art-based methods” in history are, of how artists use and develop new research methods and what kind of knowledge is produced in this process of entanglement.
- 13th of June: “Private Practices of Memory”
- 14th of June: “Archives and Museums”
- 15th of June: “Confusions and Translations”