CfP: Papers, Panels or a Roundtable Proposal for the European Social Science History Conference (Event: Ghent), Deadline: 1 May 2009

The European Social Science History Conference (ESSCH) is the largest Europe based conference for historians and social scientists in all fields, gathering more than 1000 participants every second year. The next European Social Science History Conference will take place in Ghent, Belgium, from the 13th to the 16th of April 2010. The Gender and Women Network is one of the largest networks of the ESSCH. Seventeen sessions are scheduled for the next conference.

We would like invite all scholars working in this field to consider applying with a paper, a panel or a roundtable proposal for this conference. Please register your proposal at The deadline is 1 May 2009.

Below you will find a list of possible themes, but these are by no means meant as limiting. On the contrary, feel free to suggest other themes (NB! for all themes we especially appreciate panels that bring together perspectives from different national/regional contexts).

  • Gender and body politics (war mass rape, sterilizations, human rights, etc…)
  • The impact of post structuralism on women’s and gender history and social sciences.
  • Feminisms (transnational and international organizing, transfer of ideas, the Women’s Movement of the 1970’s, etc…)
  • Feminism and Communism (everyday life and gender under communist regimes, feminists and communism, Marxist feminism, etc…)
  • Gender and labor (the impact of the new global division of work and of the new organization of work, gender and suffering at work, etc…)
  • Imperial feminisms
  • Theory and historiography
  • Gender /memory/public history
  • Masculinities
  • Prominent recent books in the field (‘meet the author’ sessions)

We specially welcome contributions dealing with Latin America, East- Central- and South East Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

The coordinators of the Women and Gender network
Maria Bucur, Indiana University, USA,
Elisabeth Elgán, Södertörn University, Sweden,


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