CfP: The Mother and History: The Past and Present (Event: Australia), Deadline: March 31, 2009

The Association for Research on Mothering Australia (ARM-A) and the Association for Research on Mothering Canada (ARM) invite the submission of abstracts for the

Fifth Australian International Conference on Motherhood

Thursday 2nd July 2009 – Saturday 4th July 2009
at The University of Queensland, St Lucia Q 4072, Brisbane, Australia

If you are interested in being a presenter, please send a 200 word abstract and a 50 word bio by March 31st 2009 to: Dr Marie Porter ( Website

This conference is interdisciplinary. The topic is broad and can include papers on the present which is influenced by the past, compared to the present and is creating the past.

Other Possible Areas include:

  • How has your discipline dealt with Motherhood/mothering historically. Does that affect the mother in the present. If so, how?
  • The mother, violence and history; legal treatment of the mother; cultural differences and the mother/s e.g.migrant mothers, Muslim and Asian Mothers, Indigenous mothers etc.
  • Pathology and the mother: the pregnant body in history; birth control; pregnancy; birthing.
  • Textual images of the mother. Mothers and work, class influences, childhood etc.

Australian Presenters of papers must be/become members of ARM-A. Email:
International presenters must be/become members of ARM Email: Website:

Sponsored by the Centre for Research on Women, Gender, Culture and Social change, School of EMSAH, The University of Queensland.

Association for Research on Mothering (ARM)
Demeter Press
726 Atkinson, York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON,
Canada, M3J 1P3
416-736-2100 x60366 (fax) 416-736-5766

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