Europäisches Komitee für Sportgeschichte (CESH) Società Italiana Storia dello Sport (SISS)
Zeit: 17.-20.09.2009
Ort: Pisa
Deadline: 01.03.2009
Ulysses, in his last travel through Dante’s Hell (canto XXVI), remembering the perilous vicissitudes of his return home, mentioned words he had addressed to his men in order to spur them on without fear: “Consider your roots: you were not born to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge” (vv.118-120).
This very famous quotation from Dante’s Hell remains for us today an exaltation of the search for knowledge and overcoming of every limitation. Even if we refresh our memory of the encounter between the Poet and Ulysses in the eighth circle of Hell, the one about false ideas, we are also reminded of the condemnation that the middle ages inflicted on those, like Galileo, who dared to defy the divine laws. Pisa celebrates in 2009 the fourth centenary of Galileo’s first astronomical observations through a telescope (1609).
The CESH Congress
Over the years CESH has analyzed sport historically from different angles (politics, art, culture, globalization, transnationality, critical points such as violence etc.). At the 14th Congress we intend to encourage a debate on a sense of the body’s limits, as seen as a sporting challenge and an element of progress and modernity (analysis of transformations of sporting techniques) or as a measurable limit (records, sense of competition, exaltation of self value) characteristics verifiable at all ages. The historical perspective allows us to associate bio-medical aspects – by now unanimously accepted from the Motor Science field – with those humanistics, artificers of the rebirth of sport. History allows us to characterize the path just made, or rather, the routes over which men and
women have moved in an attempt to satisfy their recreational and also their competitive desires.
As for the famous Columns of Hercules, they are unsurpassed; after all, what comes next could be Hell. The Congress hopes to stimulate students to analyze from a socio-historical point of view the reasons for deviance caused by some protagonists in the world of sport, when they decide to surpass every possible limit.
Bei CESH-Kongressen sind alle Europäischen Sprachen zugelassen, die Diskussion der Referate findet jedoch auf Englisch oder Französisch statt. Zwei etablierte Preise mit aufwendigem Review-Verfahren für die besten Nachwuchsarbeiten (unter 35 Jahre).
Als Programmschwerpunkte im historischen Kontext sind vorgesehen
- Körperkraft
- Rekorde und deren Grenzen
- Kampf gegen die Elemente
- Technologische Herausforderungen
- Grenzen des Körpers
- Rechtliche Grenzen
- Psychische Grenzen
- Sport in Pisa
Weitere Themenkomplexe möglich.
Arnd Krüger
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
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