Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI) (Web)
- Conference: Mothers, Mothering and Motherhood from Ancient to Contemporary Times
Time: May 22-24, 2014
Venue: Hellenic Education & Research Center, Athens, Greece
Deadline: 01.10.2013, CfP als PDF
- Publication: Mothers and History: Histories of Motherhood, Deadline: 01.11.2013
CfP for scholars, students, artists, mothers and others who research in this area. Cross-cultural and comparative work is encouraged. This volume will explore the nature, status and experience of mothers and motherhood in various historical, cultural and literary contexts, and examine the many ways in which mothers in different historical periods have been affected by, viewed, and/or challenged contemporary cultural norms and dominant ideologies regarding their role. Read more (CfP als PDF)